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How do I add a new Printer for one of my Zones?

  1. Within the EPOS module, select ‘Printers’;
  2. Click ‘Create Printer’ and enter the relevant information:
    1. Enter a ‘Name’ for your printer;
    2. Select the relevant ‘Location’ (Zone) from the dropdown menu;
    3. Confirm the IP Address;
    4. Port.

Note: When obtaining the IP Address for Dot Matrix Printers that have been supplied by SUMS, this can be sourced by putting a pin in the hole at the back of the printer. Do not hold this down once the receipt starts printing as this will reset the printer.

Where do I set the relevant Printers for my Zones/Products?

There are three areas in which you can set specific printers:

You can set a specific printer to cover a whole Zone (Default Printer):

  1. Enter the relevant ‘Location’ (Zone) for your printer when you create it as above.
  2. Within the relevant Zone in the EPOS module, select ‘Tills’, ‘Modify’ and enter the default Receipt/Kitchen Printer.

You can select an Override printer to cover all products within a particular category of products within a Zone:

  1. Click the ‘Categories’ tab within the relevant Zone;
  2. Find the correct category and click the ‘Modify’ button;
  3. Select the printer you require from the ‘Kitchen Receipt Printer’ dropdown menu;
  4. If you select ‘Default’ that category of products will print to the printer selected for that Zone.

You can select an Override printer for one particular product:

  1. Click the ‘Products’ tab within the relevant Zone;
  2. Find the correct product and click the ‘Modify’ button;
  3. Scroll down to ‘Bars Options’ and select the ‘Send to Kitchen’ checkbox;
  4. Select the relevant printer from the ‘Kitchen Receipt Printer’ dropdown menu;
  5. If you select ‘Default’ the product will print to the printer selected for that Zone.

Can I set a default Printer for a particular Till within my venue to print to?

Yes, you can, under the ‘Tills’ area of the relevant Zone:

  1. Find the correct till and click the ‘Modify’ button;
  2. From the dropdowns, select the required:
    1. Receipt Printer;
    2. Kitchen Printer.
  3. Ensure you click ‘Submit’ to save any changes.

Created on 1st July 2020