Creating a Sale Unit

Sale Units are the items of stock you buy in from your suppliers.

  • Select the ‘Sale Unit’ button
  • Click ‘Create Sale Unit’
  • Enter the Name (For Example, Smirnoff Vodka)
  • Select the Group (Wet) Groups can be created in EPOS -> SKU Groups -> Create SKU Group, and these fill feed this drop down
  • Select the SKU (70cl bottle) SKUs are set in EPOS -> Zones -> SKU
  • Check the Central Billing box if you want to lock the price of the item when entering deliveries. This is useful for products that have retro payments attached to them. It will stop staff accidentally changing the price when adding deliveries because the price on the delivery note is different. For stock like food items that fluctuate in price it is better to not * check the box, so you can update prices while inputting delivery notes.
  • The Cost Price will change as you add tiers below. Note – if you add more than one tier, the cost price will always be calculated from the most expensive tier added below.
  • Click ‘Add Tier’
  • Enter a name for the tier (Case of 6 - 70cl Bottle)
  • Enter the number of SKU Units (6)
  • Enter Cost Price (£58.80)
  • Cost price will now calculate the cost of a unit (Cost Price ÷ Number of SKU Units ÷ Number of units in the SKU). In this case £58.80 ÷ 6 bottles in the case ÷ 28 shots in a bottle = £0.35 per shot.
  • Add additional Tiers if needed
  • Press Submit
    • As you create Sale Units they will appear in a list in the order you added them. To sort in a different way, just click on the title header at the top of any column. Click again to see it in reverse order.
    • Use the Filter section at the top to search for a specific item. Press ‘Modify’ to edit an item once it’s been created.
    • When setting up a sale unit you will also need to add allergens. You will need to add allergens at this point rather than at the product set up, as when you input the make-up of your products in ‘Zones-> Products, the allergens will automatically pull through (e.g. if you set up ‘bread’ as a sale unit, and add the allergen ‘Gluten’, when you create a burger, * gluten will automatically become an allergen)
  • Under ‘allergens’, move any relevant allergens to your sale unit from the ‘available allergens’ to ‘chosen allergens’. If you have lots of allergens you can use the filters at the top of ‘available allergens’ (allergens can be created in EPOS -> Allergens -> Create allergen. These will feed the list of allergens in ‘available allergens’)

Updated on 14th May 2020