Return Stock

In the zone you want to add the return to:

  • Select the ‘Returns’ button
  • Click ‘Create Return’
  • Select a supplier from the list
  • Enter the reference from the delivery note
  • Enter the date you are returning it (Please note, you need to put all returns on the system before creating a stock report. The date is for reference. The stock will be removed from the system at the point you commit the return)
  • Press submit
  • The return will appear on the list. Press ‘Edit Items’ on the righthand side of the return (orange button)
  • Enter each sale unit that you want to return in the return items by selecting the dropdown box and typing the first few letters of the item.
  • Select the tier
  • Enter the quantity returned
  • If the price is not fixed, you can change the cost price of the tier
  • The total net cost of that item will be displaced
  • Add additional items in the same way
  • Press ‘Commit’

Updated on 14th May 2020