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Stock Authorisations control who can submit/commit stock reports, as well as handling blind stock take limits.

Click 'Go to Stock Authorisation' to view a list of your current users, and 'Create Stock Authorisation User'.

From here, you will be able to select from a variety of authorisations to grant your users.

Authorisation Options

Below are the options when adding a user to the authorisation list, and a breakdown of what each one means.

'Blind Stock Override'

If you have blind stock taking enabled, users with this option checked will still be able to see the estimated stock values at every point in the stock report process.

'Can Submit Stock Report'

If you have the submission stage in your stock reports, checking this option enables the user to submit a stock report.

'Can Commit Stock Report'

Checking this option allows the user to commit all submitted stock reports that were not submitted by themselves.

'Can Commit Override'

Checking this option allows the user to commit submitted stock reports that they themselves submitted.

'Approval Limit (£)'

The amount that the user is authorised to submit/commit. Leaving this blank sets it to unlimited.

Created on 2nd February 2022