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Stock Corrections

Corrections can be made to both automatic and manually generated stock report.

There are two ways in which you can adjust your stock report.

Updating Actual Stock units

Within your stock report, prior to committal, you will be able to adjust the Actual Stock Units alongside each entry of your stock report (select 'Edit Items' to view a breakdown of your stock report).

Any changes made here will show within the 'Actual Stock' and 'Actual Cost' columns on the exported stock report.

Stock variances and variance costs will update as per the changes made to the Actual Stock figures.

Submitting Stock Corrections

Also found within your stock report (when selecting 'Edit Items') is a 'Stock Corrections' section.

From here, you can create corrections such as last-minute deliveries, wastage etc...

  1. Click 'Create Correction';

  2. Enter the Name/Order Reference of the correction;

  3. Select the Type of correction: Delivery or Item Group;

  4. If a delivery, add the name of the Supplier;

  5. Add any Comments relating to the correction;

  6. Upload an image if required;

  7. Click 'Submit' to add the correction.

A pop-up will appear instructing you to go to the Correction Page. From this page, you can:

  1. Select the relevant Sale Units for the correction;

  2. Adjust the Units;

  3. Adjust the VAT if required;

  4. Add a Discount if required.

Add all of the required sale units and then 'Commit' the correction.

Please note: Deliveries done in the stock corrections section will only be present on the stock report, and not within the deliveries section.


Can I commit multiple Stock Corrections to a report?

Yes, you can create and commit and unlimited number of Stock Corrections per report.

Can I edit a Stock Correction after it has been committed?

Stock corrections cannot be modified once they have been committed. Ensure all relevant items and information have been included within a correction prior to committal.

Can I commit a Stock Report if it holds any uncommitted corrections?

You will still be able to commit a stock report it holds uncommitted corrections; however, please note that any stock corrections that have not been committed will not be taken into account within your stock report once committed.

Can I backdate Stock Corrections to fall within a previous stock period?

Stock Corrections cannot be backdated; these can only be added and committed for the current Stock Period.

What is the difference between a correction delivery and a regular delivery?

When you commit a Stock Report, the value in the 'Actuals' field for each Sale Unit will become it's current value.

With a committed correction, any sale units inside will be accounted for upon committing the stock report.

In contrast, committing a Delivery in the Deliveries section will be accounted for upon committing the delivery. If an already-generated Stock Report is committed after this, the value in the Stock Report will override any changes (which can be seen in the Dry-Run snapshot).

Please Note: Whilst Stock Corrections can add deliveries after a Stock Report has been generated, we recommend that all deliveries are committed before a stock report is generated. This will mean the 'estimated stock' figures in a stock report will account for all deliveries.

Created on 12th May 2022