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GP Report

How do I create sub categories for the GP Report?

Sub Categories for Sale Units can be found within the ‘Sale Unit Categories’ area of the relevant Zone.

  1. Click the 'Sub Categories' button to view all sub categories and create new ones;

  2. Click ‘Create Sub Category’ to create a new category;

  3. Enter a name and, if needed, select the relevant ‘Parent Category’ from the dropdown.

You can remove or modify the name of a category at any time, however you cannot change the parent category if originally assigned.

How do I assign sale units to a sub category?

  1. Find the relevant sub category and click the orange 'Add/Remove Sale Unit' button;

  2. Move the required sale units over to the ‘Chosen Sale Units’ box to add them to the category;

  3. Ensure you click ‘Save to update any changes;

  4. Sale units can be added/removed at any time.

Where can I find a GP Report of my Sale Units?

GP Reports for Sale Units can be found in 2 places:

  1. In the Sale Units section of a Zone, as a header button:

    1. Enter the relevant Zone within the EPOS module and select ‘Sale Units’;

    2. Click the 'GP Report' button at the top of the page to download a GP report of the Sale Units within this Zone.

  2. In the Stock Reports Section:

    1. Enter the relevant Zone within the EPOS module and select ‘Stock’;

    2. Click the blue '%' button against one of the reports to download the GP Report.

    Please Note: Due to the nature of Stock Reports storing snapshots of the data at the point the report was generated, any old reports created prior to the release of Sale Unit GPs will not contain the GP/sub categories data against each sale unit.

Created on 28th June 2022