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Stock Updates - 25th Jan 2022

The stock module on SUMS has been updated and will require action to utilise these new features, as well as some of the existing features. The main two things that will need attention are User authorisation of committing reports, and auto-generation of stock reports. Please read below to find out what has updated about these sections.

The new Stock Dashboard

A new section, 'EPOS' > 'Stock' has been created, where some stock functionality can be managed. These include:

  • Stock Authorisations
    • Manage:
      • Who can submit/commit stock reports
      • User-by-user Approval limits
      • Blind stock taking overrides.
  • Stock Periods
    • Set up when your stock reports are auto-generated here.
    • Once a stock report is tied to a stock period, another report will be available to access.
  • Stock Email Contacts
    • Define here the email addresses, per zone, of who receives notifications when stock reports are committed, along with the variance of that report.

Please note that new permissions will need to be given to your SUMS account to access this section.

New settings

Two new settings have been created:

  1. Blind stock taking
    • If enabled, users will not be able to see the estimated stock values, unless they have blind stock override set.
  2. Stock report Submission
    • If enabled, an additional step will exist in stock reporting, where a report must first be submitted before being committed.

Both of these settings are turned off by default.

How this affects Stock Reports

Committing Reports

Users will now require authorisation to commit Stock reports, which will be managed in the new 'Stock Authorisations' section. Each user must be given permission to commit the report before they can commit the report, or edit the stock values on the report.

When committing a report (with blind stock taking disabled), the user will be given the opportunity to see a 'dry run' of the current stock levels, with a breakdown by delivery, wastage etc.

Spot Checks

Users will now require authorisation to add/remove items from spot checks. This is implicitly enabled by allowing the user to submit (if submitting reports is enabled), or allowing the user to commit.

Auto-generation of Stock Reports

Stock reports will now auto generate when a stock period begins. This means that Stock Periods must be set up to have this functionality. These can be created in the 'Stock Periods' section in the new 'Stock Dashboard'.

Created on 31st January 2022