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Stock periods are used to auto-generate your stock reports when they first start, as well as being used in the 'Stock Period Report', found in the Stock Report section.

Where can I manage Stock Periods?

Stock periods can be found in the Stock Dashboard if you have been set up with the appropriate permissions. The stock dashboard can be found on the sidebar under 'EPOS' > 'Stock'.

I would like to set up when my Stock Reports generate

To set up when Stock reports auto-generate, please set up your stock periods as the two processes are connected. When a stock period starts, stock reports will be generated at the beginning of the period. This will occur again when the next period begins.

I would like to adjust my Stock Period Dates

To ensure there is no risk of gaps between stock periods, you can only delete the final stock period, and stock period dates cannot be modified. To delete an earlier stock period, please work your way back from the final one. Once this process is complete, you can then create your stock periods again. If you would like to change a stock period and many dates have been set up, please get in touch with the support desk and we will be happy to assist.

Created on 2nd February 2022