Till Setup

In the zone you want to set up a till, click ‘tills’. Each till will be listed in this section. You can use this section to create an X read, or view Z reads (Z reads can only be created on the till). You can also modify each till by clicking on the blue button (alternatively to start from scratch, click ‘create till’. This will display a list and allow you to change:

  • Name of till
  • If the till is active
  • The location of the till (you must create locations first)
  • The default menu screen (selected from zones- > Menus)
  • Where receipts and food orders print (printers can be set up in EPOS-> printers)
  • The type of cashdrawer being used (cashdrawers can be set up in EPOS-> cashdraws

If you are using a PED rather than a PDQ, you can input the PED password here.

Updated on 14th May 2020