Creating a Till Menu

In the zone you are in, click ‘menu’. Each location will be listed here. Press ‘Modify’ (Blue button). You can then adjust:

  • The Price Tier for every till in this location
  • The default home screen for each till (This will be one of the menus you create below)
  • If the menu is for Groups, Events or Door Entry

To create/ edit a menu:

  • Select the ‘Edit Menus’ (Green button) to display all the menu screens available in that location.
  • Press ‘Create Screen’ to create a new screen.
  • For each Screen press ‘Modify’ (Blue button) to bring up the list of items available on that screen. You can then add or remove items to that screen and rearrange the order of the items by clicking on the arrows on the left-hand side. Each item on the list will displayed in the order below on the screen
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24

You can add more than 24 items to a menu, but on the till you will need to scroll down to access them.

For each item on the list you need to:

  • Enter a name as it will be displayed on the till button
  • Choose a colour for that button
  • Select if it is a screen or product
  • Choose the screen or product
  • If it is a product you will be given the option to select if it is Full, Half, Double or Dash.

Updated on 1st February 2021