Creating a Till User

To add a new till user, so they can log on and perform actions:

  • Select ‘EPOS’ from the menu on the left of the screen
  • Select ‘Users’
  • Press ‘Create Till User’
  • Enter their Name, if they have manager access (manager access will allow them to do wastage etc.) and select them as active
  • Press Submit
  • You will then be given a 3-digit user number for them. Make a note of this number to give to the staff member. You will not be able to access this number after this point, so if the staff member forgets their number, you will need to reset their account by pressing the ‘Reset User’ button (orange button). SUMS will then generate a new number for that user. (Also * note, if the number generated is less than 100, for example 089, they need to enter all three digits to log onto the tills. They cannot just enter 89)

Updated on 14th May 2020