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Within the configuration tab you will find a number of additional details that can be added and modified to assist with your event creation.



Create categories to correctly organise your union events.

  1. Click ‘Create Category’ and enter the name of your category;
  2. Enter the URL for the webpage for this particular category;
  3. Mark whether or not the category is ‘Active’;
  4. Mark if you would like this category and the events within to be publicised on the website;
  5. Enter the order number for the category – this can be adjusted at any time, i.e. if you wish all events under a ‘Freshers’ category to be listed on your webpage first during Welcome Week only.


Create types to further structure your events, and provide further insight when viewing events via the calendar.

  1. Click ‘Create Type’ and enter the name of the type;
  2. Select a colour for the type, to be shown on the events calendar (this feature can be disabled if required via ‘System Configuration’ -> ‘Settings’);
  3. Select ‘Show on Website’ if you would like events to be filtered by this type on your website;
  4. Mark whether or not the type is ‘Active’ for use.

Promotion and Affiliation


Allows you to create a brand to which Student Groups can be affiliated and sell event tickets via a unique sales link:

You can get Groups to sell tickets for specific events through a unique link, giving each Group a set number of tickets to sell. Each event type you want Groups to sell tickets through is called a ‘Brand’. You can use this to get committees to act as brand ambassadors, and reward them by giving them a financial return based on the number of tickets they have sold.

Please note: You will need to ensure, when setting up your ticket product, that you select the relevant Brand underShop Options’. This will allow you to dynamically change how many tickets a Group can sell and allow the resulting affiliation Report to show.

  1. Click ‘Create Brand’ and enter the name;
  2. Set a default allocation of tickets to be provided to Student Groups via their unique sales link (individual allocations can be adjusted within the event itself, as listed below).

Once you have created your brands, you can then select these when creating your events.

  1. If you want an event to be linked to a brand, this can be selected within the ‘Basic Information’ section of event creation;
  2. You can select which tickets you wish to be included within the affiliation via the ‘Shop Rules’ section of the ticket creation/modification page;

If you want change how many tickets individual Groups have to sell, or not give some Groups the option to sell tickets:

  1. Enter the modification page for the main event;
  2. Alongside the relevant event date, slick the configuration button and select Affiliation/Brands;
  3. Here you will be able to adjust the number of allocated tickets for each Student Group (if you wish for any Student Groups to not have any allocated tickets, simply adjust the allocation to 0).

How do I create the affiliation links for each Group?

An affiliations web template is available via SUMS that will provide you with the foundation for your affiliate page:

  1. Navigate to the 'Website' module
  2. Select 'Templates'
  3. Navigate to 'shop' and click the light blue 'Templates' button
  4. Select 'View/Edit Template' alongside the 'affiliation' template

To create individual links for each group, redirects will need to be setup for each Group. If you require any assistance with this, please get in touch via [email protected] for support.

How do I view how many tickets each Student Group has sold as part of the affiliation?

To view how many tickets each Group has sold, enter the modification page for the main event and click ‘Affiliation Report’ to download an Excel export of sales for each Student Group.

This report can then be utilised by your finance department to ensure the correct amount of income is given to each group.

Buy Back

The Buy Back feature allows Students to give back to their Student Groups when attending certain Events. For students who are members of multiple Student Groups, they are able to set their preferred Group to which they wish buy back income to be directed (further information is listed below).

Please note: You will need to ensure, when creating your Event tickets (products), that you select ‘Do you want some of the income from the ticket sale to go back to a Group?’ and enter how much income from the ticket you would like to go back to the Student Group per Activity member that attends.

Alternatively, you can allocate a different amount to Student Group attendees to particular events from the configuration section.

How do I allocate Buy Back value to an Event?

  1. Navigate to the section entitled ‘Allocate’;
  2. Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the dropdown menu; student groups (value must be entered to 2 decimal places);
  3. Confirm the entry date and time for which you would like the buy back to be eligible (i.e. you only want the value to be allocated for those who have entered an event within the first hour);
  4. Click ‘Submit’ and the value you have entered will be allocated to the chosen student group of the attendees of the event you have selected.

How can members change their Student Group preference?

Students can change their preference for which of their groups they would like to allocate via the Student Dashboard:

  1. Under the main Student Dashboard, select ‘Memberships’;
  2. At the top of the page there will be a ‘Buy Back Activity Preferences’ section;
  3. Select the student group you wish to set as the preference from the dropdown and click ‘Submit’.

Staff can also change a member’s preference via SUMS:

  1. Navigate to the section entitled ‘Change Preference’;
  2. Start typing the name or ID of the relevant member and select them from the dropdown;
  3. Another dropdown menu will appear below, listing all of the student groups they have membership to;
  4. Select the relevant group from this dropdown, then click ‘Submit’ to change the preference.

Can I reset all member preferences?

Within the ‘Buy Back’ tab of the Events module, click the ‘Reset’ all member preferences button to remove all member selections. They will then need to go back and re-select their preference via the Student Dashboard, or this will need to be done by a member of staff via SUMS as above.

Please Note: If, when allocating a Buy Back to an Event, an attendee has not selected their preferred student group, the earliest registered membership within the database will usually be selected.

How can I view a report of all Buy Backs that have been allocated to an Event?

  1. Navigate to the section entitled ‘View Report’;
  2. Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the dropdown menu;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to export a report of all Buy Backs that have been allocated to that Event, per student group.

How can I reset the allocations I have made for an Event?

  1. Within the ‘Buy Back’ tab, scroll down to the section entitled ‘Reset’;
  2. Select the relevant ‘Event’ from the dropdown menu;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to reset all allocations that have been submitted for that Event.



Add all of your event venues here:

  1. Click ‘Create Venue’ and enter the following details for the venue;
    1. Address (the venue name and address will appear on the ticket PDF that your customers will receive via email when they purchase a ticket. The address can be selected on the ticket to direct the user to Google Maps for directions to the venue);
    2. Contact details (phone number and email address);
    3. Web address (if applicable);
    4. Max Capacity;
    5. Confirm if this is a venue within your organisation;
    6. You can then select which accessibility aspects are applicable to the venue (these can also be added via ‘Configuration’);
    7. Click ‘Submit’ to save your new venue.


Add all of your accessibility aspects to be assigned to your venues here:

  1. Click ‘Create Accessibility’;
  2. Enter an applicable name/title;
  3. Select an appropriate icon to represent the accessibility aspect you are creating (this is not required of you do not wish to utilise an icon).

Private Teams

Create groups of staff members to restrict the view of certain private events:

  1. Click ‘Create Private Team’ and enter a name;
  2. Select the staff members (users) that you would like to include within this team to move them to the 'Chosen Members' box;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to save the private team.

External Promoters

Here you can add the names of any external promoters you may utilise for your events:

  1. Click ‘Create External Promoter’;
  2. Enter the name of the Promoter.
  3. Enter the email addresses of contacts that you wish to receive scheduled reports
  4. If required, set the weekly dates/times to have a report generated for a promoter's sales.

Promoters can be modified and added at any time.

Premium Upgrades

Premium Upgrades can be created to add to your ticket products for your ticket holders to redeem at the event.

For example, you may wish to give out free drinks tokens or grant access to a VIP area of your event for those who have purchased a particular ticket.

Here you can add these additional upgrades to your ticket products. Take a look at our guidance on Premium Upgrades for further information on what these can be used for, how you can create Premium Upgrades and how these can be redeemed by your ticket holders.

You will be able to select any of the upgrades that you have created within Configuration to add to your ticket product.

When a ticket holder attends your event, their ticket can be scanned again via the Premium Upgrades scanner to confirm if they have any upgrades to redeem.

System Configuration

Manage – from here you will be able to access the system configuration and settings available for the events module (as an extension to the configuration as listed above).

Event Tickets - Events Ticket Printer – if you utilise physical ticket printing, select from here to which printer you wish tickets to be directed to. - Additional Info Lines – from here you can add up to 6 lines of additional information to be included on any printed event tickets.

Emails - Declined Email Address – when an event and trip application is declined via the ‘Activities’ module, enter here from which email address you wish the communications to be sent from. - Atrium Email Address - when a room booking that has been submitted as part of an event and trip application is declined, enter here from which email address you wish the communications to be sent from.

Image and Thumbnail File Enter here the parameters for image and thumbnail uploads as part of creating an event, including: - Allowed file types - File size (this must not exceed the global maximum file size set below for the Events module as a whole) - Image height and width - CDN container definition

SUMS - File Size – enter here the global maximum file size to apply to all images uploaded within the events module. - Premium Events Default – set if you would like all events to be defaulted as premium events, unless selected otherwise.

Fayres - Enable Bulk Approval for Fayre Content Submissions – select if you would like to be able to bulk approve fayre content submissions. - Enable Auto Approval for Fayre Content Submissions– select if you would like to enable auto approval for fayre content submissions.

Updated 30th July 2024