Event and Ticket Statistics

There are several ways in which you can view various statistics for your events and ticket sales, without the need to create a report:

  1. On the main ‘Overview’ tab, select the ‘Date Range' button in order to see the latest statistics of your events. This will display:

  2. Total Events

  3. Total Tickets Issued
  4. Total Attended
  5. Ticket Revenue

  1. Locate your chosen event via the events list or the calendar. When viewing your chosen event, statistics will be available at the top of the page. This will include:

  2. Total Tickets Issued

  3. Total Attended
  4. % of Tickets Issued
  5. Ticket Revenue

  1. Select your chosen event via the events list. Once selected, click into the ‘Tickets’ page of your event, or select this for an individual event date to show:

  2. Total Tickets Issued

  3. Revenue Generated
  4. % of Tickets Issued

  1. Locate your chosen event via the events calendar. Once selected, a pop up will display to show the event information and the below statistics:

  2. Tickets Issued

  3. % Issued
  4. Revenue

Within ‘Products’: - Number of products sold - % issued - Revenue

Within ‘Other Event Dates’: - Tickets Issued - % Issued - Revenue

Note: Statistics within the pop-up display will only show for overarching events that have products and tickets attached to the event.

Created on 27th September 2023