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Virtual Fayres


The Fayres module will allow you to create and manage your virtual fayres, enabling you to add content to your stalls and bespoke your fayre.

How do I set up a Fayre?

  1. Once logged onto SUMS click on ‘Events’ on the left-hand side of the page;
  2. This will bring up a drop down menu - select ‘Fayres’ from this list;
  3. At the top of the table, there are 2 buttons ‘Categories’ and ‘Create Fayre’ - click ‘Categories’ in the first instance;
  4. Under ‘Categories’, add in any different sub-sections for any fayre you make by clicking ‘Create Category’ and naming it, ie. water sports, racket sports, faith groups etc… - in the bird’s eye view of the fayre, this categorises stalls together to make it easier for the student.
  5. Once you have added all of your categories, navigate back to the main ‘Fayres’ page and click ‘Create Fayre’. Name your fayre, ie. sports fayre, freshers’ fayre etc…
  6. Add the URL you want the fayre to be seen on, and check the box as to whether you want your fayre to be ‘Active’ immediately via this URL;
  7. You can turn your fayre off at any time by unchecking the ‘Active’ box;
  8. Once you have created your fayre, click ‘Enter Fayre’ to navigate to the ‘Manage Fayre’ page – here you will have the options to ‘Manage Fields’ and ‘Create Stalls’;
  9. Click ‘Manage Fields’ to choose what types of fields you would like the main stall view to include, you will be able to select from:
    1. File;
    2. HTML;
    3. Images;
    4. Text;
    5. Textarea (large area of text);
    6. Vimeo;
    7. WYSIWYG;
    8. Youtube.
  10. A couple of things to note:

    1. All of the stalls within a fayre must include the same fields;
    2. If you set all of the stalls in your fayre to have ie. a video, but you are not able to add a video for one stall, it will just show a blank space in lieu of this.
  11. Click ‘Create Field’ – and enter:

    1. Name;
    2. Additional Information (such as details about what type/size of image you want someone to upload, reason for use etc…);
    3. Select the type of field you want to add – you can select from the following:
      1. File (PDF, DocX etc…);
      2. HTML;
      3. Image (Allows for standard web image types such as JPEG, PNG etc...);
      4. Text (used for small amounts of text);
      5. Textarea (for a larger text field);
      6. WYSIWYG (‘What You See Is What You Get’ - allows for large bodies of text to be formatted using styling options such as bold, italic etc…);
      7. YouTube;
      8. Vimeo.
  12. Once you have added all of the fields you want your stalls to include, navigate back to the ‘Manage Fayre’ page that you were previously on, and click ‘Create Stall(s)’.
  13. Add a ‘Name’ for your stall;
  14. If relevant, select the relevant Activity(s)/Student Group(s) that the stall relates to;
  15. Select the correct ‘Category’;
  16. Select whether or not you want the stall to be ‘Active’ yet;
  17. Select whether or not you would like the stall to be ‘Premium’ - if it is a premium stall, it will appear as one of the first stalls in the fayre at all times, with the remaining stalls appearing in a randomized order;
  18. Navigate back to the ‘Manage Fayre’ page where you will see a table of all the stall that you have created. Against each stall, click ‘manage content’.
  19. In ‘manage content’ you will see that you are able to populate the fields with content. This content will then appear on the stall.

How do I approve Fayre content submitted by members?

  1. Find the relevant Fayre and select ‘Enter Fayre’;
  2. Click ‘View Submissions’ to view a list of all content submitted by your members for review;
  3. Click ‘View’ to review the information submitted;
  4. Click ‘Modify’ to select whether to ‘Approve’ or ‘Decline’ the submission – you can also enter any feedback you wish to be sent back to the member who submitted the content, such as a reason for declining the submission;
  5. Click ‘Submit’ and if the submission has been approved, it will appear with the Fayre’s main content page.

Bulk and auto-approval

  1. Go into ‘Settings’ within ‘System Configuration’;
  2. Scroll down to ‘Events’ and under ‘Fayres’ you will see two settings;
    1. Enable Bulk Approval for Fayre Content Submissions – set this to ‘Yes’ to enable a bulk approval button to appear on the submission page;
    2. Enable Auto Approval for Fayre Content Submissions; - set this to ‘Yes’ automatically approve and update any content changes submitted by Activities/Student Groups.
  3. These settings can be changed at any time to suit your requirements when your various Fayres are live.

Updated on 22nd November 2022