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How can I view how many times a referral code has been used?

When viewing your referral codes within the Events module, each code will have a Uses column which will confirm how many times a referral code has been used.

This number accumulates each time a successful transaction has been completed using this code.

Can I pull a report relating to referral code uses?

You can use the Reporting module to obtain a more detailed report of referral codes and their uses, including demographic reports relating to your members who have used referral codes when purchasing event tickets.

You will need to use the source entitled 'Product Referrals' to access your referral codes data.

This source is linked to other tables, including transactions and members, so you can obtain more detailed reports relating to the individual transactions where a referral code has been used, and the members who purchased the items.

Are uses counted per transaction or per item?

Each time an individual product is purchased using a referral code, this counts as 1 use against that code; uses are not calculated based on whole transactions.

Therefore, if someone purchases 3 of the same event ticket in a single transaction, this will count as 3 uses against the referral code (providing they entered this code each time they added their products to their basket).

If someone has simply added a product to their basket and used a referral code but not completed their purchase, or their transaction has failed for any reason, no uses will be counted against the code.

What happens if I refund or invalidate/revoke an event ticket?

Where a product has been purchased using a referral code, the use against the code will be valid as long as the product has not been refunded and invalidated/revoked.

Therefore, if you refund a product but do not invalidate/revoke the item, the use against the code will remain valid.

If you invalidate/revoke a ticket but do not process a refund, the use against the code will also remain valid:

Product Status Referral Code Use
Invalidated/Revoked only Valid
Refunded only Valid
Refunded and invalidated/revoked Invalid

If you do refund and invalidate/revoke a product, this will then be reflected within the Uses column when viewing your referral codes within the Events module.

This will also be reflected within any reports you may create regarding referral code uses and their related transactions.

Created on 21st January 2025