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Ticket Sales Exports

Exportable List of Ticket Sales

You are able to easily view and export a full list of your ticket sales against a particular event.

  1. Firstly, navigate to the relevant Event via the calendar or list view:
  2. ‘View’ the event to access your event dates and products;
  3. Click ‘Sales’ under the ‘Products’ section;
  4. From here you will be able to view sales by method and by product, as well as a full list of all sales including:
    1. Transaction number;
    2. Ticket number;
    3. Purchaser;
    4. Member type;
    5. Ticket name;
    6. Date;
    7. Method
    8. Product;
    9. Collected date (if applicable);
    10. Entered date (if the event is in the past);
  5. If required, you are able to export an excel file containing details of the ticket sales, including the responses to any Extra Capture Fields, with the option to download the information with the purchaser’s phone number and email address.

If, however, you would like to export a PDF of ticket sales, including some key statistics, click ‘Print’. You will be taken to an updated page which includes data on the number of tickets sold and the total revenue for that event.

This document can be used for any purpose, from reporting to colleagues, to including in meeting papers to track the revenue of key events.

Updated 17th September 2023