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Viewing Events on my Website

Once you have published your event (or marked it as unlisted) you will be able to access your event on your website by selecting the 'View on Website' button that is available within the full page view of your parent event:

This button can only be selected when your event has been published or marked as unlisted (to publish your event but hide it from the events page on your website).

For more information on the statuses available when creating your event and what they mean, take a look at the Event Creation guide.

Selecting this option will take you to the web page for that specific event on your website. This can also be used if you need to a quick way to confirm the direct link for your event to pass onto potential customers.

I can see this option but the button is disabled, why is this?

The 'View on Website' button will be available within all parent events, however whether or not it can be used depends on whether:

  • The event has been published or marked as unlisted
  • The setup has been completed to enable this button

In order for this option to be enabled for your published and unlisted events, some configuration is required via the Website module - further information can be found below.

What configuration is required to enable this option?

The configuration for the 'View on Website' option can be found in the new Links section of the Website module.

This configuration confirms the location of your main events page on your website so that when you select this option you can be directed to the correct page on your website for your chosen event.

This piece of configuration would typically be setup by your in-house web developer.

Firstly, you will need to ensure you have been granted the relevant permission to access this area - the permission is entitled [Website] Links.

Once you have been granted this permission:

  1. Navigate to the Links section of the Website module
  2. You will see an entry entitled 'Events' has already been added
  3. Select 'Modify' to make any adjustments to this current link
  4. Make sure to include the relevant parameters that are listed within the Parameter List. These are the requirements you need to make sure the correct links to your events can be generated when you select the 'View on Website' option

This link can be updated whenever you need to ensure users can access the web pages for their events.

Please note: Following the release of this functionality on the 30th July this configuration will need to be checked to ensure this has been setup correctly as per your web templates. If you require any assistance please get in touch with the SUMS team.

Creates on 30th July 2024