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Cash and Safe Counts

SUMS Guide – Cash and Safe Counts

Before you complete your Cash and Safe Counts, you will need to add a Till Float to all of the tills you need to complete counts for. To do this:

  1. Within the ‘Finance’ module, select ‘Cash Transfers’;
  2. On this page you will have the option to ‘Modify Float’ for a Safe or a Till;
  3. Select ‘Tills’ and find the relevant Till;
  4. Click ‘Modify’ alongside the correct till and enter the relevant float amounts in the cash fields. You must enter the value of that cash type to be added to the float, to at least 1 decimal number, i.e. if you have £50 worth of £10 notes to be added to the float, you will need to enter 50.0 in this field.

Cash Counts

  1. First, you will need to complete your Z Read on the correct till;
  2. Once you have done this, find the relevant till within the Zone in the EPOS module and click the ‘Z Read’ button;
  3. Click the green ‘Cash Count’ button and you will be shown:
    1. Float Amount;
    2. Z Read Cash Total;
    3. Total;
    4. Variance (this will not include the Float value);
  4. From here you will need to confirm the total cash in the till alongside the relevant values;
  5. As you add your values, the Total and Variance values will adjust at the side;

    You will see on this page that you can automatically submit a Banking Slip in relation to the Cash Count that you are completing, instead of having to do this manually via the Finance Module.

  6. After entering your Cash Count values, select the correct ‘Banking Code’ from the dropdown to automatically create a slip for that code, relating that Cash Count;

  7. Once completed, click ‘Submit’ to save;
  8. Once you have completed your Cash Counts, the ability to then complete your Safe Counts will then be unlocked on the system.

Note: Completion of your Cash Counts will also populate the Cash Field for the relevant till within ‘Weekly Sales’ in the Finance module.

Once the Cash Count has been completed, that field will grey out within ‘Weekly Sales’. However, a Permissions has been created which can be granted to your Finance team to enable them to still adjust the values within ‘Weekly Sales’ if required.

You can also access your Cash Counts via the Finance Module, by selectingCash Counts’.


Note: ‘Financial Daysfall from 04.00 – 04.00 the following day.

To view the banking slip that you created when you submitted your Cash Count:

  1. Go to the ‘Finance’ module and select ‘Banking’;
    1. If a banking entry has already been created for that financial day in which the new slip falls, you will need to select ‘Modify’ alongside the relevant entry and scroll down to ‘Slips’ to find the one you have just created;
    2. If a banking entry for that financial week had not yet been created prior to you creating the new slip, a new entry will show, and you will find your Slip when you click ‘Modify’;
  2. When you have found your Slip, you will see that it shows the:
    1. Type;
    2. Start and End Date;
    3. Amount;
    4. Reference (user who created the Slip);
  3. You can easily change the information given in the text boxes on the Sip;
  4. The Slip can be ‘Removed’ if necessary;
  5. Further Slips can be added manually to the banking entry if needed.

**Safe Counts **

There are two ways in which you can enter your Safe Counts:

  1. Via the EPOS Module, enter the correct Zone and click the ‘Safe Count’ button at the bottom of the page;
  2. Via the Finance module, go to ‘Safe Counts’.

All of the Safe Counts that you have previously done will be listed.

First, you will need to create your Safes from this ‘Safe Counts’ page:

  1. Select the ‘Safes’ button at the top of the page;
  2. Click ‘Create Safes’ and enter the:
    1. Safe Name;
    2. Zone ID;
    3. Safe Float;
  3. Then click ‘Submit’.

You can then submit your Safe Counts:

  1. At the top of the page, navigate back to ‘Safe Counts’;
  2. Click ‘Create Safe Count’;
  3. Select the correct Zone (if you have accessed Safe Counts via the ‘Finance’ module);
  4. Select the correct date of the count;
  5. Ensure ‘Safe Count’ is selected and enter the relevant values in the same way as you did with the Cash Counts;
  6. The expected value will show as per your safe float, and the variance and totals will adjust as you enter your counts;
  7. Click ‘Submit’ to save the count once you are happy with it.

You can review the information of any Counts that you have submitted by selecting the ‘View’ button alongside the relevant entry.

Audit Counts

You will also see on this page that you can select ‘Audit Count’.

  1. Select this to complete an Audit Count for the Selected Safe whenever is necessary.
  2. As with a regular Count, this will highlight any discrepancies.
  3. Once completed, the value of the Audit Count will show within the relevant ‘Zone’ under ‘Safe Counts’.

Note: You can also access your Cash and Safe Counts via theFinancemodule, by selectingCounts’.

Updated on 28th December 2021