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Cash Transfers

Adding Floats

In order to complete a Cash Transfer, you will need to ensure that a float has been added to the relevant Till/Safe when you create them:

  • Tills can be created within the EPOS module;
  • Safes can be created within ‘Safe Counts’ in the Finance module.

In order to amend/add a float to a till/safe after creation within the EPOS module, you will need to do this via the ‘Finance’ module:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Cash Transfer’ section of the Finance module;

  2. Under ‘Modify Float’, select whether you wish to modify till or a safe;

  3. All tills/safes will show, with a blue ‘Modify’ button alongside each for you to adjust the float accordingly.

Note: When adding your floats, ensure you input the value of the cash that you wish to add, not the quantity of notes/change etc…

For example, if you wanted £200 worth of £50, you would enter 200 as opposed to the number 4.

Select ‘View Float Updates’ to see a list of all float adjustments that have been made to a till/safe.

Transfer Types

Before logging your Cash Transfers, you will need to create your ‘Transfer Types’:

  1. Select ‘Cash Transfers’ within the Finance module;

  2. Under ‘Settings’, click ‘Transfer Types’;

  3. Click ‘Create Transfer Type’;

  4. Add a name for your type and click ‘Submit’ to save;

  5. These can be modified at any time.

Logging your Cash Transfers

  1. Under ‘Transfer Float’, select either ‘Safe’ or ‘Till’;

  2. Select the relevant ’Source’ and ‘Destination’ till/safe from the dropdown menus;

    1. Safe transfers - select the relevant zones from the dropdown menus;

    2. Till transfers - select the relevant Zones, then select the correct till ;

  3. The current floats for selected tills/safes will pre-populate into the matrix below for adjustment;

  4. Select whether you wish to:

    1. Deposit into your source till/safe;

    2. Withdraw from your source till/safe;

  5. Select your transfer ‘Type’ from the dropdown;

  6. Enter a ‘Reason’ for the transfer if required;

  7. Enter the relevant values that you wish to transfer into the matrix in the middle of the page – you will see the values and totals of the floats adjust automatically as you do this;

  8. Click ‘Submit’ and you will be taken to the ‘View Cash Transfers’ page where all transfers will be listed.

On this page, you will have the options to:

  • ‘View’ the details of the transfers;
  • ‘Export’ an excel spreadsheet of the transfer.

Will anyone be notified if a Cash Transfer has been submitted?

Within ‘Incident Reports’ > ‘Settings’, there is a field for you to be able to add a default email address. An auto-email will be sent to this address whenever a Cash Transfer has been recorded for a Safe.

Note: Notifications will not be sent for Cash Transfers between Tills.

Updated on 4th July 2022