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The Finance section of SUMS allows Unions to set up their individual finance structures, which in turn feed other parts of the system including Weekly Sales, the Student Dashboard and the EPOS system. Within the Finance section you can input end of day banking, view your Weekly Sales in an easily viewable document, view any variances and export the Weekly Sales for import into your Finance package.

I want to do the end of day banking

  1. Within the ‘Finance’ module, select ‘Weekly Sales’;
  2. Weekly Sales are saved from Sunday - Saturday each week;
  3. Against the week you require, click the green ‘£’ symbol;
  4. All of your EPOS Zones will be listed down the left-hand side, with each of their tills listed for selection underneath (your tills can be configured from the ‘EPOS’ module, within the relevant ‘Zone’);
  5. All of the Z-Reads will pre-populate, and you will need to add in your Actual figures.
  6. These figures, along with any variances, will appear on your Weekly Sales sheet.

Note: If you have integrated card terminals, the actuals will also pre-populate for card figures.

I want to view the Weekly Sales

  1. Within the ‘Finance’ module, select ‘Weekly Sales
  2. Against the week that you want to view the sales for, click the ‘Printer’ button;
  3. A document will be downloaded with all of the sales information for the week, including:
    1. By Zone – Gross Income, Actual Income and Variance;
    2. Sales by product;
    3. Sale by location;
    4. Sale by payment type;
    5. Refunds.

I want to be able to export my Weekly Sales into an accounting package

  1. Within the ‘Finance’ module, select ‘Weekly Sales
  2. Click the blue ‘Export’ button;
  3. This will download an excel spreadsheet of your Weekly Sales;
  4. From here, the data can be manipulated to be imported into your accounting package.

Note: If you would like an example template to give you an idea of the data that needs to be manipulate, please contact SUMS at [email protected].

I want to be able to import Activity/Student groups transactions back into the system

  1. Select ‘Activity Transactions’ from the ‘Import’ module;
  2. Click ‘Example’ for a template for you to enter your transaction data (this is the format in which the data must be entered in order to complete the import);
  3. Click ‘Choose File’ to upload your saved import file;
  4. Select if you would like to replace the data, or leave this unticked if you would like to simply add the new transactions to the existing data;
  5. Click ‘Submit’ to upload your transactions.

I want to create the VAT codes that can be used in the EPOS system and on the Student Dashboard

  1. Within the ‘Finance’ module, select ‘Tax’ and click ‘VAT Codes’;
  2. Click 'Create VAT Code' and enter:
    1. Code;
    2. Name;
    3. Percentage (enter integer to 2 decimal places).

Note: The Tax Dashboard is permission based - please contact your system administrator to give you the correct permissions to access the Tax Dashboard.

Updated on 4th Nov 2021