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Processing Refunds

How do I refund a partial/individual online transaction?

  1. On the transaction page, find the product(s) you wish to refund and click the green ‘+’ button to add them to the refund;
  2. A new ‘Refund’ box will appear at the bottom of the page, listing the:
    1. Transaction Item ID;
    2. Product Name;
    3. Amount (the value shown will be the amount paid minus any funds already refunded for that product – this amount can be changed prior to refunding);
  3. From here you will have 2 options:
    1. Invalidate Items – this will simply revoke the product, including memberships, subscriptions and tickets; this will also replenish any stock from which the product was taken (the products will be marked as cancelled);
    2. Return Funds – this will refund to the customer’s case. Not selecting this option will mark the items as refunded, but not actually return funds to the customer. (if you also need to invalidate the items, ensure the Invalidate Items tick box is also selected).

From the Transaction page, you also have options to:

  1. Re-send a confirmation email for the transaction by selecting ‘Email’.
  2. ‘Print’ the details of the transaction;
  3. You can select a product(s) and ‘Mark as Delivered’.

How can I submit a bulk refund request?

You are able to import bulk refund requests via the ‘Refund Requests’ area of the Finance module; these can be for full and partial refund requests.

  1. Select ‘Refund Requests’ from the Finance module;
  2. Click ‘Import Refunds’ and you will be taken to an import page;
  3. Click ‘Download Template’ to export a blank template example – you will require the following details:
    1. transaction_id;
    2. transaction_item_id;
    3. amount (the amount to be refunded; please enter the value to 2 decimal places, i.e. to refund £10 enter 10.00);
  4. Upload your import template;
    1. If you wish to also ‘cancel’ the items, ensure the ‘Invalidate Items’ tick box is checked;
  5. Click ‘Submit’ to upload your refund requests.

Note: When submitting a bulk refund request, a refund will not be requested for any items that have already been refunded; these items will be disregarded after import.

What if my import errors?

The import may error due to issues with the refunds being requested within the file, such as a transaction being listed as cancelled, or a transaction ID not being valid.

If you receive an error message, the import will have failed and no refunds requested.

The issues reported within the error message will need resolving, or the requests in question removed from the file in order to resubmit and successfully import your refund requests.

How can I track the progress of my refund requests?

You are also able to track the progress of existing refunds via the ‘Refund Requests’ area of the Finance module.

From this dashboard you will be able to view:

  1. All refund requests;
  2. Refunds awaiting approval (from the SUMS Finance Department);
  3. Approved refunds awaiting processing;
  4. Processed refunds;
  5. Declined refund requests;
  6. Refunds that have errored (i.e. if there has been an issue with our third-party payment provider).

The dashboard will also show the number of refund requests at each of these stages.

Note: Ensure you have been granted the ‘[Finance] Refund Requests’ permission to gain access to this dashboard. If you do not have access, please request this from your SUMS Administrator.

Updated on 4th January 2024