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Public Sales Assignment Tool

How do I import the purchase data from the ‘public’ sales against my member profiles once they are on the system?

The Public Sales Assignment Tool can be used to assign publicly purchased products to relevant member profiles. This can be utilised in the lead up to your Freshers'/Welcome Week to transfer any public purchases to the relevant members once you start receiving their data from your university, so you can still facilitate ticket and memberships sales during your busiest times!

Extra Capture Fields

The Public Sales Assignment Tool relies on the collection of a relevant email address and phone number during purchasing, as this information will be used to match the purchase to the relevant member.

Please ensure these capture fields are added to any relevant products so that products can be matched where possible. Please see here for further guidance on creating extra capture fields.

Matching Product Data

When accessing the Public Sales Assignment Tool, you will see the following options:

  1. Export product data;
  2. Upload product data.

Firstly, you will need to export the data of the relevant product:

Note: If you export the data of a product after you have already uploaded and matched some of the transactions using this tool, it will only pull out the remaining transactions that are yet to be imported.

  1. Start typing the name of the product within the ‘Export’ section and select the correct product from the dropdown menu;
  2. Click ‘Submit’;
  3. A CSV file will be downloaded with all ‘Public’ transactions taken for that purchase, including;
    1. Transaction ID;
    2. Transaction Item ID;
    3. Date;
    4. Customer Name (requested by SUMS Pay when entering purchase details);
    5. Email Address & Phone Number (information provided by purchaser in line with extra capture fields that were set);
  4. The file will also show a ‘Student ID’ column. If the Email Address and Phone Number provided (via the extra capture fields) match with the data of a member within the system, their Student ID will automatically be entered into this column;
  5. If a Student ID number is not shown, you may need to cross reference the details given with your member data within the ‘Members’ module to check if you have a student matching that data. A match may not be found if;
    1. An email address or phone number has been entered incorrectly;
    2. The purchaser has given alternative details to the information registered against their profile;
    3. The SUMS system has not yet received the data for that member from your university;
  6. If applicable, enter the relevant Student IDs of any members you have found manually.

Once you have the matched Student IDs for the transactions, you can then ‘Upload’ the CSV back in for the purchases to be registered against that member’s profile within SUMS.

Note: Please ensure that you do not modify any of the data originally given within the CSV, other than within the ‘Student ID’ column. The data must be accurate in order to import it back into the system and match against the correct member profiles.

When you click submit, a notice will show confirming that all of the transactions uploaded were able to be matched to a member profile.

Unsuccessful Matches

If not all of the purchases were able to be matched, a notice will appear confirming that some of the transactions were unsuccessful.

An error message will confirm which transactions were not successful and why, i.e. Student ID was not provided.

Updated on 22nd September 2023