How do students submit reimbursements

Students can submit reimbursement/expense claim applications directly via the Student Dashboard, on the main page.

They will be able to submit either a standard reimbursement/expense claim, or select the ‘Make a Payment’ option – this will allow them to submit the payment details of the relevant student/supplier that they wish to pay, for the purposes of submitting a ‘shortcut’ application for a purchase request.

Note: If you would like only Activity/Student Group members to be able to submit reimbursement/expense claim applications, not individual students, you can set this withinSystem Configuration(see theSettings - System Configurationguide within reimbursements/expense claims for further information). If this is the case, theReimbursementstab will appear only for members of an Activity/Group.

Members will complete all of the relevant information relating to their claim, including the purchase date, details of the item(s), VAT details and confirming if the expense was relating to an event or for an Activity/Student Group.

If the claim is for mileage, they will need to confirm the date of travel (as opposed to date of purchase), how many miles they are claiming for, the number of passengers in the car (if applicable), and the address of the destination.

Note: You can set the reimbursement amount per mile within theSettingsfound inSystem Configuration– see theSettings - System Configurationguide within reimbursements/expense claims for further information. You can also set an alternative amount for mileage claims including passengers.

They will also need to submit proof of purchase, in the form of a VAT receipt or similar.

Once they have submitted their application, they will be given a link for them to confirm their bank details for the reimbursement.

Note: Bank details that have been provided for reimbursements will remain in the system for 45 days before automatically deleting from the system. If the approval of an application exceeds this timeframe, you will need to request these details again prior to processing the funds (further guidance regarding this can be found within theReview & Approval Processguide for reimbursements/expense claims).

Committee Member Approval

If you have set your reimbursements/expense claims process to include Committee Member approval, the Activity/Student Group will receive an email when someone from their Activity/Student Group submits an application.

There will be an option for them to ‘View’ the details of the application, and for them to add/edit the finance nominal and department codes. They will then be able to approve or decline the application.

If approved, the application will appear within the ‘Expenses’ area of the Activities/Groups module.

Note: For further information regarding the full student application process, please see theFull Member Guideunder the Student Dashboard guidance available on the support dashboard.

Updated on 30th November 2021