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Exporting Form Responses

All of the responses of a form created within the Forms module can be exported into a csv. file for reference. You can then open this file into an Excel spreadsheet (xlsx.)

To export all of the responses against a form, simply find the relevant form and click the 'Export' button, as shown below:

This will export a csv. file containing all of the responses to the form. You can then open this file as an Excel spreadsheet (xlsx.) to filter the responses and manipulate the data if needed.

For example, you may need a report of all responses that you received within a certain timeframe, or a list of all responses submitted by a specific Activity/Student Group.

How will responses to certain field types be shown?

How details and responses will be shown within your export will depend on the field type.

The following fields will display information as you would expect them to, in the same format that the information was entered:

  • Text
  • Textarea
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Date
  • Date and Time
  • Time
  • Numeric


Where a currency field has been used, the value shown will simply be a numerical value. The value will show to 2 decimal places if necessary.

For example, if someone has entered £50 when completing the form, this will be displayed in your export as 50.

If someone has entered £25.50 when completing the form, this will be displayed in your export as 25.50.

Where a dropdown field has been used, your export will simply show the option that the member selected when completing the form.


Where a checkbox field has been used, your export will simply display 'Y' where the checkbox was checked by the member when completing the form.

File Uploads

Where a file upload field has been used, your export will simply display 'File Uploaded' where a member uploaded a file when completing the form.

To view the file, you will need to navigate to that specific response in the Forms module and view the file this way.

Created on 25th February 2025