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Student Dashboard Forms

How do I create a form to be made available on the Student Dashboard?

Navigate to the ‘Forms’ module to start creating your new Student Dashboard forms:

  1. Click ‘Manage’ to view your existing forms;
  2. Click ‘Create Form’ to start creating a new form:

    1. Enter a ‘Name’;
    2. Add a ‘Description’ for your form;
    3. Start’ and ‘End Date’ for which you would like to forms to be available for completion (including the times);
    4. You will need to come back to the ‘Visible’ tick box - a form cannot be made visible until at least one section and question has been added to the form;
    5. Click ‘Restrict Access’ if this form must be completed in order to grant access to the Student Dashboard – this feature is useful if there is information you require before a committee member has access to the management area for their Activity/Student Group (please see below for further information);
    6. If the submissions for this form require review and approval, click ‘Decision Required’;
    7. Select from the dropdown the ‘Location’ you would like the form to show on the dashboard;
    8. Click ‘All Activities’ if you would like the form to be available for all of your Student Groups to complete, or;
    9. Select from the dropdown menu which specific ‘Activities’ you would like to be able to complete the form.

    Once created, click the light blue ‘Sections’ button to start customising your form:

  3. Click ‘Create Form Section’ and name each of your sections (these will show as separate pages to navigate through when a member completes the form). From here, click the light blue ‘Questions’ button to begin adding all of your questions:

  4. Click ‘Create Question’:
    1. Add a 'Label' – this will be your question/the information you require;
    2. Add any ‘Help Text’ you wish for the question;
    3. Select the ‘Type’ of field needed from the dropdown menu. You can select from:
      1. Text – to enter a small amount of text, such as a name or line of address;
      2. Email Address;
      3. Phone Number;
      4. Date;
      5. Date and Time;
      6. Time;
      7. Numeric – for a numeric question, you will need to add a Minimum and Maximum value;
      8. Currency – if selected, you will need to add a Minimum and Maximum value;
      9. Textarea - to enter a larger amount of text (i.e. a paragraph);
      10. Checkbox;
      11. Dropdown – for a dropdown question, you will need to enter the answers for selection under the Options field;
      12. File Upload (currently either PDF or Docx file)
  5. You are able to ‘Modify’ and ‘View’ the parameters of the question once created.

You are able to add as many questions as required for each section, and you can create as many sections as needed for each form.

Note: Ensure that, once your form is complete, you go back andModifythe form itself and tick theVisiblebox to make it active on the Student Dashboard.

Can I edit a form once it is live?

  • Name;
  • Description;
  • Questions and Sections of a form can be modified or removed once the form has gone live but only before you have received any responses to the form.

Where will my form show for completion if I have select ‘Restrict Access’?

If you have created a form that restricts access to the dashboard until it has been completed, this will show within the ‘Overview’ section of the Group management section of the dashboard.

  1. On the initial dashboard page, under ‘My Memberships’, the member will need to click the ‘Manage’ button alongside their relevant Student Group;
  2. This will take the member to the ‘Overview’ page of the Group;
  3. The title of the form will show on this page, with an option to ‘Complete’ the form;
  4. Once completed, the member will be able to access the remainder of the areas of the management section for which they have permissions.

Note: If the form has been created to require a decision when submitted, access to the dashboard will be revoked if the submission ends up being declined.

How can I view the details of a submission?

  1. Alongside the relevant form, click the orange ‘Responses’ button;
  2. All submissions for the form will be shown, including:
    1. Member Name;
    2. Activity;
    3. Status;
    4. Date and time it was last modified, i.e. if the submission was approved or declined (for new submissions, the date and time of submission will show);
  3. Click the blue ‘View’ button to review the answers of the submission;
  4. You will be able to navigate through each section of the form and the answers given;
  5. The details of the submissions will also show at the top of the page.

How do I approve or decline a submission?

  1. When you go to ‘View’ a submission, you will have the options to ‘Decline’ or ‘Approve’ at the top of the page;
  2. If you are declining an application, you will need to add some feedback as to why you are unable to approve the submission.

What will happen if I decline an application?

If you decline an application, the form will be reopened on the Student Dashboard for the member to modify and re-submit.

Any feedback that was added when the application was declined will show at the top of the page for their reference.

Will a member be notified if the status of their submission changes?

If you have approved or declined an application, the member who made the submission will receive an email confirming that the status of their application has changed.

Updated on 9th October 2023