How to create a category
- Along the top bar of the screen, you will see a green box stating 'Create Category'
- Click 'Create Category'
- Enter the name of your new category in the 'Name' box
- Click submit to save and confirm the category
Once saved you will be taken back to the home menu of the GOATing / Categories module, here you should be able to see your category within the list. The Categories will be listed in numerical order against the ID number in which they were created (e.g. ID number 1 will be the first created category in the list)
- To change the numerical order e.g. (low to high or high to low) click the arrow icon
- To change the numerical order e.g. (low to high or high to low) click the arrow icon
To remove the category, click the 'Remove' button within the Options column on the right-hand side of the screen. Note that this can only be done if there are no GOATing feedbacks with this category assigned.
How to search a category
- Along the top bar of the screen, you will see a white box stating 'Filter'
- Click the drop-down arrow on the right side of the screen
- Enter System ID number in the 'System ID' box
- Enter the name of the category in the 'Name' box
- To clear your search, click 'Clear'
- To confirm your search, click 'Search'
- Once clicked your search results should appear in the categories table, below the filter
- To change the variables which you can see in your category table, click the table icon
The following variables 'ID' and 'Name' can be unticked or ticked dependent on which variable you would like to be shown in your category table
How to refresh your categories
- Click circular arrow icon
This icon is located on the right-hand side of the screen underneath the green Create Category button
- Once clicked a 2-second count down will appear in the box as the system loads your data
- Any changes after the refresh will show in your Categories list
How to print your categories
- Click printer icon
This icon is located on the right-hand side of the screen underneath the green Create Category button
- Your print setting screen will automatically appear with a print preview of how your list will look once printed, any settings you wish to change can be amended here.
Updated on 8th Jan 2021