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How do I add a new member of student staff?

  1. Select the ‘Create Student Staff’ button
  2. Select the member and department from the drop down menu
  3. Enter a start date
  4. Select ‘Submit

How do I modify a member of student staff?

  1. Select the ‘Modify’ button of the relevant staff member and modify their details as needed
  2. If the member of student staff is no longer working, enter a leave date
  3. Select ‘Submit’ to update the details

To delete a member of student staff, select the ‘Remove’ button.

How do I send an SMS to a member of students staff?

  1. Select the ‘Send SMS’ button
  2. Select the department you wish to contact from the drop down menu
  3. Create your message and then select ‘Submit’ to send the SMS

How can I check the history of messages received by student staff?

  1. To see a history of messages received by staff, select the ‘SMS’ button next to the relevant staff member
  2. Here a list of all of the SMS’ they have received will be shown, including the date, time and the member of staff who sent the message

Updated on 7th of October 2020