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Activity (Student Groups) Transactions Import Tool

The Activity Transactions Tool provides you with the ability to export all activity-related transactions, which can then be inputted into your finance system.

From this, you can then export the finalised transactions from your finance system and import them into the student dashboard using this tool. In doing so, you will update the balances of all of your activities’ accounts, whilst also providing them with a breakdown of their transactions via the student dashboard.

Export Transactions

Firstly, you will need to export your activity-related transactions. You will have the option to export all dates, or to enter an applicable date range.

The file will contain the following (mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk):

  1. Date*
  2. Department Code*
  3. Nominal Code*
  4. Reference One*
  5. Reference Two
  6. Amount*

Once you have exported the relevant transactions, this data can be manipulated and subsequently imported into your finance system.

Note: This is a standard export that is designed to reduce the amount of manipulation needed based on the finance systems used by all users of the platform.

Upload Transactions

Once you are in a position to import your transactions, you can download an example template from within the ‘Upload Transactions’ section.

The file will contain the following (mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk):

  1. Date*
  2. Department Code*
  3. Nominal Code*
  4. Reference One*
  5. Reference Two
  6. Amount*

Complete the template with the relevant data and ensure this is saved in a csv format for upload.

  1. Select ‘Choose File’;
  2. Select the relevant file and click ‘Open’;
  3. Select whether you would like to ‘Replace Data’ – selecting this will replace all transactions and reset your activity balances, resulting in a balance based on the transactions within this import;
  4. Click ‘Submit’ to import the file and update your activity transactions and balances.

A note of when the last import was completed will be available at all times, including the date and time that the last upload was submitted.

Once imported, your committee members will be able to view a breakdown of their transactions via their student dashboard, within the ‘Finance’ section as shown below.

They will simply need to select the ‘View’ button to be shown a full breakdown of their transactions for the relevant account:

A breakdown of their account will then appear, including a breakdown on a nominal basis for further clarity:

System Configuration

Please see below for a list of settings available for this module and their functions. These can be found within the ‘Activity Transactions Upload’ section of the settings page:


  • File Type – At this time ‘CSV’ is the only file type accepted when utilising the ‘Activity Transactions’ import tool. This file type must appear within the ‘Chosen Settings’ box to ensure CSV file types can be uploaded.
  • File Size – Enter the maximum file size (in KB) of any files imported using the ‘Activity Transactions’ import tool.

What if I only want to update my Activity balances?

If you would only like to update the balances of all of your Student Group accounts, without providing a breakdown of transactions, this can be done by utilising the ‘Activity Departments’ import.

This can be found within the ‘Finance Structure’ section of the Import module. See here for a link to our guidance!

Updated on 19th December 2023