Budget Data Import Tool

The Budget Data Import Tools allows you to bulk upload your budget lines and authorisation levels for the Purchase Order module.

Click ‘Example’ to download the import template. You will be provided with the following columns:

  1. existing_budget_id
  2. finance_centre
  3. nominal
  4. department
  5. budget
  6. auth_1_limit
  7. auth_2_limit
  8. auth_3_limit
  9. reset_spent

This import tool can be used to upload new budget lines, or update existing budget lines. Enter the system ID of the relevant line within the existing_budget_id column and this will be updated with the data you include in the remainder of the columns.

If you wish for a new budget line to be created, simply keep this field blank and a new entry will be created, and a system ID number generated.

Created on 25th October 2022