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Finance Structure Import Tool

The Finance Structure Import Tools provides you with 3 templates in which you can upload your full finance structure.

Have a look at our finance structure guide for further information before uploading your data:

Important Note: These imports are designed for you to be able to export your various layers of finance structure and make any relevant additions of adjustments to be imported again.

Please do not import any additional data separately. All imports will replace your current data, resulting in any separate additions erasing your existing structure.

Finance Structure

Click ‘Export’ to download your current finance structure, or, if your structure has not yet been set up, a blank a template of what you will need in order to import your data.

This allows you to import the foundations of your finance structure, from your companies to department codes.

You will be provided with the following columns:

  1. company_code
  2. company_name
  3. cost_centre_code
  4. cost_centre_name
  5. department_code
  6. department_name
  7. donations – here you need to confirm if you would like the department to be open to have donations. Enter ‘0’ for No or ‘1’ for Yes.

Note: Any departments marked as Yes will be available for selection when donations are processed either through a till of via the ‘Donations’ area of the Finance Module.

To import these layers of your finance structure:

  1. Enter all of your relevant data and save your excel spreadsheet;
  2. Under ‘Finance Structure’, click ‘Browse’ to find and select your document;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to import the data.


Click ‘Export’ to download your current nominal and their relating codes, or, if your nominals have not yet been set up, a blank template of what you will need in order to import your data.

This allows you to import your nominal codes and names, along with the relevant nominal groups. You can also set from here which nominals will be made available for selection within various applications on the Student Dashboard.

You will be provided with the following columns:

  1. nominal_group_name
  2. nominal_code
  3. nominal_name
  4. purchase_request - confirm if you would like the relevant nominal to be available for selection when a member submits a purchase request via the student dashboard. Enter ‘0’ for No or ‘1’ for Yes
  5. product_application - confirm if you would like the relevant nominal to be available for selection when a member submits a product application via the student dashboard. Enter ‘0’ for No or ‘1’ for Yes
  6. invoice_request- confirm if you would like the relevant nominal to be available for selection when a member submits an invoice request via the student dashboard. Enter ‘0’ for No or ‘1’ for Yes

To import these layers of your finance structure:

  1. Enter all of your relevant data and save your excel spreadsheet;
  2. Under ‘Nominals’, click ‘Browse’ to find and select your document;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to import the data.

Activity Departments

Click ‘Export’ to download your Activity Department allocations, or, if these have not yet been set up, a blank template of what you will need in order to import your data.

This allows you to assign your department codes to your Activities/Student Group, and also set from here which departments will be made available for selection within various applications on the Student Dashboard.

You will also be able to override the department names that show on the Student Dashboard if you wish.

You will be provided with the following columns:

  1. group_id – this is the system id of the relevant Activity/Student Group
  2. group_name
  3. company_code – this must be an existing company code
  4. cost_centre_code – this must be an existing cost centre code
  5. department_code – this must be an existing department code
  6. override_name – here you can input a name for the department to show on the student dashboard. All department name are defaulted to the code and department name, i.e. ‘001 Test Department’, however you may wish for it to simply be shown as ‘Test Department’ on the dashboard
  7. balance – here you can input a current balance for the Activity/Student Group. Use this if you do not utilise the ‘Activity Transactions’ data import
  8. purchase_request - confirm if you would like the relevant department to be available for selection when a member submits a purchase request via the student dashboard. Enter ‘0’ for No or ‘1’ for Yes
  9. invoice_request- confirm if you would like the relevant department to be available for selection when a member submits an invoice request via the student dashboard. Enter ‘0’ for No or ‘1’ for Yes
  10. reimbursement_request - confirm if you would like the relevant department to be available for selection when a member submits a product application via the student dashboard. Enter ‘0’ for No or ‘1’ for Yes
  11. product_application - confirm if you would like the relevant department to be available for selection when a member submits a product application via the student dashboard. Enter ‘0’ for No or ‘1’ for Yes

To import this layer of your finance structure:

  1. Enter all of your relevant data and save your excel spreadsheet;
  2. Under ‘Activity Departments’, click ‘Browse’ to find and select your document;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to import the data.

Created on 10th February 2022