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Next of Kin

The Next of Kin area within the HR module has two levels of access and management. These are the 3 permissions available within ‘System Configuration’ and their purpose:

  • [HR] Next of Kin – allows you to access and view the next of kin details for members within your department (this permission does not enable the modification or addition of any details)

  • [HR] Next of Kin Admin – allows you to create next of kin entries, and create and manage the user access to their department details

  • [HR] Next of Kin (All) – this permission combines the two above, granting the user both viewing and management access.

Next of Kin Admin

The Next of Kin Admin permission has been created to allow the user to:

  • Create Next of Kin details for any user

  • Assign users to be able to view the Next of Kin details for staff within specific departments

How do I create a new Next of Kin?

  1. Click ‘Create Next of Kin’;

  2. Select the relevant staff member from the dropdown menu, and add the information regarding their next of kin:

    1. Enter the relation;
    2. Enter a name;
    3. Enter a phone number;
    4. You can add a second phone number if needed;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to add them to the list.

These can be modified and removed at any time by users that have admin access.

How do I grant a user access to the Next of Kin details of a particular department?

  1. Click ‘Create Next of Kin Permissions’;
  2. Select the relevant user from the dropdown menu;
  3. Select either a full time staff department, or a student department for the user to gain access to;

    Note: Only one department can be select at one time – you cannot select a full time and student department to grant access to at once.

  4. Click ‘Submit’ to grant access.

    Note: The user must also have been granted the [HR] Next of Kin permission within ‘System Configuration’ in order to access this area.

Can I grant a user access to multiple departments?

Users can be granted access to more than one department, however these must be granted individually within the ‘Manage Permissions’ section.

Updated on 21st March 2022