Report Breakdown

Below is a general outline of the fields presented when filling out an incident report.

Submitter information – this is the information of the person submitting/reporting the incident, rather than the person who has had the incident.

Type – this describes the role of the person submitting the report, and could be e.g. a sports club committee member, a first aider, a University staff member etc.

General information – this section asks for the main details of the incident, such as the date, the location, and the description of the incident.

The person involved category – this describes the role of the person who had the incident, illness or near miss and could be e.g. a student, a staff member, a visitor etc.

Is the incident related to a sports club or society – if yes is selected, you will be asked to select the specific group. This drop down is populated from your main groups management section in SUMS.

Department/company – this is not a required step, but could be used e.g. if the incident was had by a contractor, to note the company they were from

Person Involved Information – this is the basic details of the individual who has been involved in the incident, fallen ill, or who has had a near miss. It asks for information such as name, age, date of birth, address, gender and student ID. In this section the only required fields are name and gender.

Incident Information - dependent on your yes/no answers within this section further questions are asked.

Was an injury sustained – if ‘yes’ is answered to this question, further questions will be asked including the details of the injury (e.g. cut, graze, bruise), cause of injury (e.g. human error, weather conditions etc.) and body part affected (ankle, foot etc.)

Was the person involved ill – if ‘yes’ in answered to this question, further questions will be asked including details of the illness (e.g. eye problem, nausea etc.) and the cause of the illness (e.g. heat exhaustion, sports injury etc.)

Was an ambulance called – yes or no

Did the person go to hospital – yes or no

Has the person missed work – yes, no or unknown

First Aider Information – this section asks for details about the first aider including name, ID number, address and the treatment given.

Who gave the treatment – this could be e.g. a first aider, security, general public

Treatment details – please provide as much information as possible about the treatment given

Witness 1 and Witness 2 information - this asks for the name, address, phone numbers and ID numbers of any witnesses to the incident. No information is required, as there may have been no witnesses.

Updated on 1st February 2021