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What do the different stages mean when viewing a report?


There is a 3 stage process to review any incidents. Different members of staff may be responsible for different parts of the process.

Stage 1

  • On SUMS, go to ‘incident reporting’ and click ‘dashboard’ to get to the incident dashboard
  • On the incident dashboard, you will see the number of open cases on the right hand side. To view the open cases that have just been submitted, click ‘stage 1’, and a list of new cases will appear. The list in stage 1 incident reports will allow you to see the locations of any incidents at a glance, as well as whether they were RIDDOR reportable.
  • If you want to print any information about the incident, you can click the green ‘print preview’ button and it will show you all of the information that has been submitted. You can use the tick boxes at the top of the page to remove sections, if you only want to print a few parts of the form.
  • To review the incident report, click the blue ‘view report’ button against the incident in the list of Stage 1 incidents.
  • Here, you have 2 options
  • If nothing further needs to happen, such as providing information about the incident if it was in a venue (please see stage 2 for more details) or providing post incident information (please see stage 3 for more details) please click the ‘archive’ button. Reports that have been archived can be viewed by clicking the ‘archive’ button on the incident dashboard.
  • If further actions need to happen, such as providing more venue information or conducting a post incident follow up please click ‘progress to stage 2’

Stage 2

Stage 2 should be used if the incident happened in a venue, and more information about the venue needs to be added, such as what time the individual arrived in the venue, information about their footwear, whether they had been drinking alcohol, and details of any relevant CCTV footage.

  • Once you have clicked ‘progress to stage 2’, you will automatically be taken to the Stage 2 form. If you are not ready to complete the information in stage 2, you can exit at this point, and re-access the Stage 2 form from the incident dashboard by clicking ‘stage 2’ at any time.
  • Complete the information and click ‘submit manager details’.
  • You will automatically be progressed onto stage 3.

Stage 3

Stage 3 should be used for any post event follow up details such as whether additional investigation is required, whether the incident is RIDDOR reportable, information about whether the CCTV has been backed up or taken by police, and details of any actions taken.

  • Once you have clicked ‘submit manager details’ in stage 2, you will automatically be taken to the Stage 3 form. If you are not ready to complete the information in stage 3, you can exit at this point, and re-access the Stage 2 form from the incident dashboard by clicking ‘stage 3’ at any time.
  • Complete the information and click submit
  • Two options are then available, if you want the final incident report to be further reviewed, at this point a second reviewer can review the report and if they want to make any edits they can click ‘edit stage three’ and then ‘submit’. This should be in line with the relevant policies and procedures within your organisation.
  • If you do not want the final incident report to be further reviewed, you can click ‘finalise and archive’. The incident report will move through to the ‘archive’, which can be accessed on the incident dashboard.

Updated on 13th May 2020