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Job Shop


This section Provides guidance when using the Job Shop module within SUMS.

Please note: this is solely for creating and viewing student/campus job opportunities. Please provide information to your members on how they can apply for the opportunities that you are advertising.


Firstly, you need to create Organisations for the vacancies you will be posting.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Organisations’ tab of the module;
  2. Click ‘Create Organisation’ in the top right-hand corner;
  3. Fill in the boxes with relevant information of your Organisation (Address, Postcode, Email etc.);
  4. Click ‘Submit;
  5. You can ‘Modify’ or ‘Remove’ an Organisation at any time.


  1. Navigate to the ‘Opportunities’ tab of the module;
  2. Click ‘Create Category’ and enter:
    1. Name’;
    2. URL Name’ for the category when shown on your website;
    3. Select whether or not you wish the category to be ‘Active’ on your website (this can be adjusted at any time);
    4. Select for the category to show via the ‘Backend Only’.

Once you have set up your Organisations and Categories, you can now add your Opportunities.


  1. Enter the ‘Name’ of the Opportunity – Sometimes it isn’t obvious who the role is for, especially if the name is quite vague, so we would advise that you also include the Organisation name in the Opportunity Name;
  2. Select the relevant ‘Organisation’ from the ones you have created;
  3. Select the relevant ‘Category’;
  4. Enter a ‘Description’ of the Opportunity. Provide as much detail as you wish, and format it using the multiple editing tools available;
  5. Confirm the number of ‘Positions’ available;
  6. Confirm the ‘Duration’ of the role ie. 10 days, 40 hours total etc…;
  7. Enter the ‘Salary’ (if applicable);
  8. Add any further information you wish regarding the salary within the ‘Salary Text’ box;
  9. Confirm the details regarding the ‘Location’ of the Opportunity;
  10. Click ‘Submit’ to save the Opportunity.

‘Active’ Tab

This tab shows all Active Job Listings, and confirms the number of active listings. From here you can:

  1. Modify’ the details of the Opportunity;
  2. Expire’ the listing if required;
  3. Remove’ the listing.Select the relevant ‘Organisation’ from the ones you have created;

‘Expired’ Tab

This tab shows all Expired Job Listings, and confirms the number of active listings. From here you can:

  1. Modify’ the listing if required;
  2. Remove’ the listing.

‘Categories’ Tab

This tab shows all of the categories you have created, and confirms the number of categories. From here you will see:

  1. The number of members who have registered for opportunities within that category;
  2. Whether or not the category is ‘Active’;
  3. Whether or not the category is marked as ‘Backend Only’.

From this tab you can also:

  1. Create and send an ‘Email’ to all members within that category, to be sent to their personal email addresses (from here you can view a list of your subscribed members, and ‘Export’ an excel spreadsheet of their details);
  2. Modify’ the category;
  3. Remove’ the category.

‘Statistics’ Tab

This tab will show, on a monthly basis, how many Vacancies and Positions have been advertised.

You will also notice at the top of the main opportunities page you will see:

  1. Active Job Listings;
  2. Current Positions Available;
  3. Number of People interested.

How do I get my listings to show on my SU webpage?

To set up a Job Shop page on your website, please contact us at [email protected] so we can provide the relevant web template for you.

Created on 28th July 2021