
Within the KPI Dashboard, you can Archive Departments. Doing this will also archive any KPI’s associated with this Department and will mean this Department no longer shows on the Dashboard when switching Departments.

Departments can be un-archived, however this will not automatically un-archive all of the KPI’s associated with this Department automatically, this will need to be done for each KPI you would like to un-archive individually.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Manage Departments’ section within the KPI Dashboard.

  2. Next to the Department you wish to Archive, click the orange ‘Archive’ button. This will now show as Archived in the relevant column and all associated KPI’s will also be Archived.

  3. A Department can be un-archived by clicking the green ‘Unarchive’ button.

  4. To un-archive any KPI’s associated with this Department that you wish to be available again, navigate to the ‘Manage KPI’s section within the KPI Dashboard.

  5. Next to your KPI, click ‘Modify’.

  6. Un-tick the ‘Archived’ box.

Updated on 8th June 2020