Setting Up

  1. Navigate to the ‘Dashboard’ section within the KPI’s module.

  2. Click the orange ‘Manage Departments’ button.

  3. Click the green ‘Create Department’ button in the top-right hand corner.

  4. Enter the Name of the Department, for example “HR”.

  5. Select whether you would like this to be the ‘Dashboard Default’ Department, which is the set of KPI’s that will appear on the initial Dashboard page.

Note: When first setting up Departments, you will see a ‘Core Organisation’ Department that is set as the Default. This can be changed to fit your organisation, but only one Department can be set as the Default at a time. If you need to change this, you will need to deselect a Department as Default before selecting another Department.

  1. Click the green ‘Submit’ button.

Updated on 8th June 2020