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Auto Approval

How do I turn on auto-approval for Associate Membership applications?

  1. Navigate to the ‘System Configuration’ module and select ‘Settings’;
  2. Scroll down to the ‘Member’ dropdown;
  3. Under ‘Enable Associate Member Auto Approval’, change this to ‘Yes’;
  4. Ensure you click ‘Submit’ to save any changes.

If this is set to ‘Yes’, all Associate Membership Applications will automatically be approved, with new members created and added to the system.

How will an automatically approved member obtain their details?

Once an application has been submitted, the user will automatically be added as a new Associate Member within the ‘Members’ module.

They will receive an email confirming their Associate ID (username), and providing a link to reset their password to allow them to login to their Associate account via your website.

Note: To get the email to send, you will need to set up an email template for this in 'Admin' > 'Emails' with:

  • A Short Name of associate_verify_email.
  • A valid Sender Email and Reply Address.
    • If you have not set up a valid domain, please contact SUMS.
  • Message HTML featuring the username and a password reset link.
    • An example of this is:
<p>Thank you for registering as an Associate Member for [YOUR_SU_NAME_HERE].</p>
<p>Your username is: <strong>ASSOC{{member_id}}</strong></p>
<p>Please click the link below to verify your account and create a password:</p>
<a href="[YOUR_WEBSITE_URL_HERE]/associate-member/verify?main={{member_id}}&string={{unique_string}}">
  • Note: To ensure that the create password link works, your website must have the Associate Member Templates set up in 'Website' > 'Templates' on SUMS. Please contact SUMS for assistance in setting this up.

Created on 16th November 2021