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How do I create a membership without an application?

How do I create a new Associate Membership without having to go through the application process?

  1. Under the ‘Members’ module, select ‘Associate Members’;
  2. Click ‘Create Associate Member’ and enter all of their relevant information:
    1. Title;
    2. Name;
    3. Gender;
    4. Date of Birth;
    5. Address Details;
    6. Telephone Number(s);
    7. Email Addresses (University and Personal);
    8. Check the ‘Public?’ box if the membership is not for a staff member;
    9. Select the Associate Member Type;
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to create the new Associate Member.

Their new ID (and username) will be shown in the ‘Student ID’ column, beginning with ‘ASSOC’.

Once created, select the ‘Email Password Reset Link’ button so they can create their own password for their Associate Account to log onto the website. You will need to email their username over separately for security reasons.

You can email a password reset link at any point if the member requests.

You will also have the following options:

  • Reset Password;
  • View Member Profile;
  • Opt Out/In Member (depending on the status of their membership);
  • Modify;
  • Remove.

Created on 28th June 2021