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How to view banned members

  1. Once logged onto SUMS if you can click onto "members" on the left-hand side of the page.
  2. This will bring up a drop down menu. Then select "bans" from this list.
  3. This then brings up a list of all members who are banned from being involved in the SU and the expiry date of their ban.

I want to ban a student

In order to ban a student from SU services, you must follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate on SUMS to the members section in the grey side bar, and select ‘bans
  2. Select the ‘+Ban’ button in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Enter the student’s University ID number ie: ‘ABC12345678’ into the ‘Student ID’ field.
  4. Select the category of ban that you are imposing - you will have the following options:

    1. SU Ban - Members under this ban will not be able to log into your SU website, thus preventing them from nominating and voting in elections and purchasing member only products. This ban will also flag a member upon scanning their card on a till via door entry confirming that they are banned. Members will still be able to log into the SU App, however they will not be able to complete any purchases;
    2. Venue Ban - This ban will flag a member upon scanning their card on a till via door entry confirming that they are banned from venues.

    Please note: the names of the above bans may differ slightly depending on your Union, i.e. 'SU Ban' may be named for your SU, 'Venue' ban may be named 'Bars' or something similar.

  5. Enter the reasoning for the ban in the ‘Reason’ field, for example: ‘Ejected from when on DATE following a physical altercation in VENUE’.

  6. Enter the necessary ‘Action’ in line with the necessary procedure, for instance: ‘Banned pending investigation’ or ‘Banned following investigation’.
  7. Enter the start date of the ban imposed, using the format: ‘DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM’, ie. ‘01-01-2020 00:00’
  8. If the ban is permanent, then select the tick box for the ‘Permanent’ field.
  9. If the ban has a specific end date, then enter this into the ‘End Date’ field using the ‘DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM’ format.
  10. The student member’s profile will also be updated should a ban be imposed, with a visible banner stating: ‘Warning! This person is banned.

Can bans be altered?

Yes, to alter an existing ban, you should select the ‘Modify’ button available next to the submission.

I want to ban a member of the public

In order to ban a member of the public from SU services, you must follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate on SUMS to the members section in the grey side bar, and select ‘bans
  2. Select the ‘+Guest Ban’ button in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Enter the full name of the individual banned from the venue within the ‘Name’ field.
  4. Enter the individual’s postcode into the ‘Postcode’ subsection.
  5. Enter the start date of the ban imposed, using the format: ‘DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM’, ie. ‘01-01-2020 00:00’
  6. Select the tick box, should the ban be permanent.
  7. If the ban has a specific end date, then enter this into the ‘End Date’ field using the ‘DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM’ format.

How can I export a full list of my bans?

You can export a full list of your member and guest bans directly from the Bans page.

Within either your Member or Guest Bans view, an 'Export All' button is available that will download an excel file of all of the bans listed within that view.

For each of your exports, you will be given the following information:

Member Bans

  • Member Name
  • Date and Time banned
  • Start and End Dates of the ban (if the ban is permanent, the end date will be displayed as 'Permanent')
  • Reason for Ban
  • Action

Guest Bans

  • Guest Member Name
  • Start and End Dates of the ban (if the ban is permanent, the end date will be displayed as 'Permanent')

Updated on 30th May 2024