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How to view approved drivers

  1. Once logged onto SUMS if you can click onto "members" on the left-hand side of the page.
  2. This will bring up a drop down menu. Then select "drivers" from this list.
  3. This then brings up a list of all members who have been approved to drive for the SU and the expiry date of their documentation.

How to add an approved driver

  1. Once logged onto SUMS if you can click onto "members" on the left-hand side of the page.
  2. This will bring up a drop down menu. Then select "drivers" from this list.
  3. Then select the "+drivers" button in the top right hand corner.
  4. In the member ID box select the magnifying glass button
  5. Either enter the student ID or student name into the appropriate boxes then click on submit. (student ID is better to use where possible as multiple students could have the same name)
  6. Click submit.
  7. Fill out the rest of the fields in the form with the appropriate data.
  8. Click submit.

Updated on 3rd July 2019