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Integrated Courses

How can I manage Integrated Courses for Elections, Coursemate etc?

The ‘Integrated Courses’ area within the Members module allows you to link courses for which you may have the same Reps, or that you may wish to link for the purposes of Coursemate, if your members use this; these are then known as Integrated Courses.

For example, you may wish to link two smaller Masters courses within your University to have the same Course Rep – doing this will then allow all members within those courses to view, nominate and vote in the relevant elections.

How do I create an Integrated Course?

To create a new Integrated Course:

  1. Within 'Members', select 'Integrated Courses';
  2. Click 'Create Integrated Course' and enter:

    1. the Primary Course Name;
    2. the Linked Course Name;
    3. the Year of Study;
  3. Click 'Submit'.

Your integrated course will then show in the list, including the codes for each course.

You can easily filter your integrated courses by:

  1. Primary Course Name;
  2. Linked Course Name;
  3. Year of Study.

To delete an Integrated Course, click 'Remove' next to the relevant course.

Once created, any Integrated Courses will then be available for selection when arranging elections, and when members are submitting issues via Coursemate.

Created on 9th December 2020