
In the Members section you can search your membership for any given student using either their first name, last name, student ID, email address, phone number, or you can even search for every student on a particular course.

By selecting a student you will be able to see everything about that student from the personal information (address etc.), academic information, if they are a first aider or a registered driver, any emails you have sent to them, any memberships they have purchased, and any transactions they have ever made with the SU.

Each student also has a timeline which enables you to see everything they have done with the SU since they started. This will include any action they have completed online on the SU website e.g. fill out a survey or buy a product; any events they have attended where they have bought a ticket or scanned their student card; or any roles they have been assigned to e.g. through winning an election.

The Members module is also where the bans system is operated from, as well as where you can set permissions for different types of memberships e.g. Associate Members.

Updated on 8th July 2019