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Preferred Name


This provides members with the ability to submit a 'Preferred Name Request' via the website.

This can only change the members first name however, not the surname. Changes to names accepted will only be visible within the 'My Account' and 'Elections' section of the website.


To use the preferred name system, it requires a minor development on your website side. This is purely done through ajax requests and the documentation for the development can be found here.

Secondly, there is some simple configuration required on SUMS. Under System Configuration > Settings > Preferred Name there are two new fields, these are...

  • Staff Email Address: This email address will be notified whenever there is a preferred name request submitted by a student.

  • Sender Email Address: This is the sender address for the 'Accepted' or 'Declined' email that will be sent to the student. Note: This email must be whitelisted and able to send emails through SUMS already otherwise no email will be sent.

How does a member submit a preferred name request?

  1. They will need to log in to their 'Student Dashboard' via the Union website and select 'Settings' (on the panel on the left);
  2. Next to their 'Full Name' they will need to select 'Change First Name';
  3. Enter their preferred first name and click 'Submit'.

An email will then be sent to the Staff Email Address you set as per the above to confirm a preferred name request has been submitted.

How do staff approve or decline preferred name requests?

  1. Upon receipt of the email, staff can then go into the 'Preferred Name' section of the 'Members' module to view the submission;
  2. They can then either 'Approve' or 'Decline' the request;
  3. An email will then be sent to the member confirming the decision.

Note: A member can reset their first name at any time, but must submit another request if they wish to change it back to their preferred name at a later date.

Updated on 22nd February 2021