Change password

If you log into SUMS using a user account, and not via your organisation’s Single Sign-On (SSO), then you can easily change your password by accessing your user settings:

  1. Within the main dashboard, or wherever you may be in the SUMS platform, click your user icon in the top right of the screen, and select ‘Settings’
  2. Under the Change Password section, enter your current password in the ‘Old Password’ field
  3. Enter your new password, and reconfirm your new password underneath
  4. Make sure your new password meets the requirements listed on the page; any passwords that do not include all of these requirements will not be accepted
  5. Once you are happy, click ‘Update Password’ to change your password

Please note: If your password does not meet all of the requirements listed, or you attempt to use a password you have already used previously, the page will error if ‘Update Password’ is selected and confirm why the new password cannot be accepted.

Created on 16th April 2024