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Purchase Order Module

Before I start submitting Purchase Orders, where can I set my Budget Lines and Authorisation?

  1. Under the ‘Purchase Orders’ module, select ‘Budgets’;
  2. Click ‘Create Budget Line’ and add all of the financial coding for that budget line:
    • Cost Centre;
    • Department;
    • Nominal;
  3. Then add the value of the budget (ensure the value is entered to 2 decimal places);
  4. Confirm from the list which Users will be able to submit Purchase Orders from that Budget Line;
  5. Once you have confirmed the Budget and Users, you will then be able to add up to 3 Required Authorisers for that Budget Line, simply enter;
    • The minimum value the authorisation is required for;
    • The chosen Authoriser(s) for the value (you can choose multiple);
  6. Once you have added in all your chosen authorisers, click ‘Submit’ and your new Budget Line will show in the list;
  7. You can ‘Modify’ or ‘Remove’ a budget line at any time.

Where can I see all of my Purchase Orders?

  1. Under the ‘Purchase Orders’ module, select ‘View My Orders’;
  2. Here you will see all of your Purchase Orders, including their:
    • Status;
    • Total;
    • Date Created;
    • Financial Information;
  3. For the Orders listed, you can:
    • ‘Modify’ the initial information of an Order if needed (can only be done prior to approval/declination).
    • Select the ‘Items’ button to start adding the individual Items of your Order (further guidance listed below).

From the ‘View My Orders’ page you will also be able to:

  1. Create new Purchase Orders;
  2. Add regular Suppliers;
  3. Add regular Delivery Addresses;

How can I add regular delivery addresses?

  1. Under the ‘View My Orders’ page, select the ‘Delivery Addresses’ button at the top of the page;
  2. Click ‘Create Delivery Address’ and add the full address;
  3. You can also add a phone number for the address if you need;
  4. Click ‘Submit’ and it will show on the ‘Delivery Addresses’ page;
  5. You can ‘Modify’ or ‘Delete’ an address at any time.

How can I add regular Suppliers’ addresses?

  1. Under the ‘View My Orders’ page, select the ‘Suppliers’ button at the top of the page;
  2. Click ‘Create Supplier’ and add the;
    • Name;
    • Full Address;
    • Phone Number;
    • Email Address;
    • Account Number (if applicable);
  3. Click ‘Submit’ and it will show on the ‘Suppliers’ page;
  4. You can ‘Modify’ or ‘Delete’ a Supplier at any time.

How do I create a Purchase Order?

  1. Under the ‘View My Orders’ page, select the ‘Create Purchase Order’ button at the top of the page and enter the relevant financial coding;
    • Cost Centre;
    • Department;
    • Nominal
  2. Then enter the rest of the information;
    • Supplier (either select from the dropdown of Suppliers you have created previously, or enter a new one in manually);
    • Delivery Address (either select from the dropdown of Addresses you have created previously, or enter a new one in manually);
    • Upload a quote;
    • Select whether or not it is a Capex (Capital Expenditure) (if selected, the Purchase Order number that is then created for that entry will start with a ‘C/no.’);
  3. Click ‘Submit’ and your Purchase Order will show on the ‘View My Orders’ page, including the status of the submission;
  4. Once submitted, you can ‘Modify’ the details of the Order whilst it is still awaiting approval.

How do I add Items to a Purchase Order?

  1. Under the ‘View My Orders’ page, find the correct Purchase Order and click the ‘Items’ button;
  2. All of the information given when the Order was submitted will be shown, including its creation date and the date it was last updated (if applicable);
  3. You can also add any Notes you may wish to the Order to provide information for other members of staff who may need to view it;
  4. Scroll down to the ‘Items’ section and select ‘+ Add Item’;
  5. From here, you will need to enter the:
    • Sale Unit Name;
    • Quantity;
    • Cost Price (Unit Price);
    • Total (ensure the value is entered to 2 decimal places);
  6. Once submitted, you will be able to ‘Modify’ or ‘Remove’ an item at any time.

**What about VAT? **

  1. Once you have added all of your Items to the Purchase Order, you can then add the correct value of VAT for the total value of the Order;
  2. Under ‘Items’, click ‘+ Add VAT’ and enter the correct value of VAT (ensure the value is entered to 2 decimal places);
  3. The VAT and Total of the Purchase Order will then show at the bottom of the ‘Items’ box

How do I add further Capex information if needed?

  1. Under the ‘View My Orders’ page, find the correct Purchase Order and click the ‘Items’ button;
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will find a section called ‘Capex’;
  3. Click ‘+Add Capex Information’ to confirm:
    • Capex Number;
    • Description of Asset;
    • Location;
    • Rationale and Justification;
    • Risks associated with purchase or non-purchase of asset(s);
    • Select whether it is included in the Capex budget;
    • Enter the anticipated date of acquisition;
    • Enter the estimated useful economic life of the asset(s);
  4. Once you have entered all of the relevant information, click ‘Submit’.

Once you have added all of the relevant Items and Capex information (if applicable) to your Purchase Orders, click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.

Note: In order to ensure final submission of the Purchase Orders, you will need to have added at least 1 item, and complete the relevant Capex information (if the Purchase Order has been confirmed as so). The Purchase Order will not submit if either have not been completed.

What do I do if I don’t want my organisation to have the Capex option?

  1. Go to ‘System Configuration’ via the SUMS Dashboard;
  2. Select ‘Settings’ and scroll down to ‘Finance’;
  3. Untick the ‘Capex’ box to remove it as a default option when submitting Purchase Orders;
  4. This can be changed at any time if you wish the option to be available at any point in the future.

How do I ensure authorisation of a Purchase Order if it is over a minimum value for the budget line I have selected?

  1. When you Submit your final Purchase Order, after having added your Items, if the value of the Order has exceeded one of the minimum values you set for authorisation for that budget line, a notice will appear at the top of the screen confirming that further authorisation is required;
  2. Click ‘Assign Authoriser’ and select from the dropdown the person you wish to refer it onto (here will show all of the people that have been assigned to authorise whichever value bracket you have exceeded);
  3. An email will be sent over to whoever you have chosen notifying them that an order requires their authorisation;
  4. They can then find the correct order via the ‘View My Orders’ page and click ‘Items’ to review the details of the order;
  5. They can then scroll down to the bottom of the page to either ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ the order;
  6. Once the decision has been made, an email will be sent to the original User who submitted the Purchase Order to inform them of the status of their order.

Note: You can ‘Reject’ an authorisation notification if needed.

If you need to adjust the value, ‘Modify’ the Order to decrease the total so you do not require authorisation.

If you do not believe that the Order requires authorisation, you will need to speak to the relevant members of staff to review this. If changes need to be made to a budget line, this can be done as stated previously.

Where can the Finance Department review Approved Orders?

  1. Under the ‘Purchase Order’ module, select ‘View Approved Orders’;
  2. From here, they will see a list of all approved Purchase Orders, those that have already been dealt with by Finance and those which are yet to be reviewed;
  3. You will be able to;

    • Review the details of the Order by selecting ‘Items’ (they can also download this information by selecting the ‘Export as PDF’ button at the bottom of the page);
    • ‘Modify’ the Order to add further information, including:
      • Upload an invoice;
      • Confirm whether it has been ‘Matched’ (non, partial or full);
      • Whether there is any ‘Outstanding Balance’ (if non/partially matched);
      • Select if it has been fully ‘Paid’;
    • If needed, an order can also be ‘Removed’ from the list.

    Created on 14th April 2021