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How to Create a Code List

Creating a Code List

For some fields, in order to specify criteria you will need to use the code or ID for it, as this is how it is stored within the database. For example, if you wanted to pull a list of students who are in a School Rep position to send email correspondence to, you will need to know which Rep Role ID corresponds to School Reps. This will allow you to pull a report of all Rep Role ID's, and which Role they correspond to.

  1. Add the ID field for the information you are looking for (in this example, 'reps.rep_roles_id') as a Column.

  2. Add the Name field (in this example, '') as a Column.

  3. Add the ID field again as a Group By, so that the report will show you the Role Name by each ID.

  4. Set the Order By column as either Columns added.

  5. Press 'Submit'.

This should produce a similar output to the below (depending on what you enter as the Alias for each Column):

ID Rep Role ID Rep Role Name
1 1 Course Rep
2 2 School Rep
3 3 College Officer
4 4 PG Rep

You can then use the Rep Role ID's to form criteria for your report, for example specifying that the Rep Role ID equals 2, will only pull data who are in a School Rep position.

Updated on 2nd December 2019