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Using a Group By

Adding a Group By

The Group By function can be used to group rows that have the same values, which essentially summarises the data within the report instead of showing every row individually. For example, you could pull a report to show how many students belong to each College. Below are the steps to build a Group By report:

  1. Add a Column to the report for the field you wish to also Group By. In this example, you could add the '' field as a Column under the Alias 'College'.

  2. Also add this field as a Group By, so that the data is summarised according to the College Name.

  3. Add a Column for the field you wish to be summarised. In this example, you could add the 'members.student_id' field with the Operator of 'Count'. This will produce a count of students, grouped by their College.

  4. You could also add other Columns such as 'members.v_age' with the Operator 'Average' to also pull through an average age for the students in each College.

  5. Set an 'Order By' column.

  6. Click 'Submit'.

Updated on 18th December 2019