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Permissions and Blocking Data

You are able to block any data field/column available within the Reports module to hide sensitive data from users.

Access to relevant blocked columns can then be granted per permission group, to ensure sensitive data is only viewable to those who require it within the scope of their role.

Any users with access to the Reports module will be able to create Reports that include blocked data fields, however only users with permissions to view these blocked fields will be able to view any reports that include this data.

How do I block a field?

You can block data fields in the same place that you grant user permissions throughout the platform:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Admin’ module and select ‘Groups’

  2. Click the red ‘Data Block List’ button at the top of the page

  3. Select a source from the dropdown menu

  4. Navigate through the database tables and columns to find the relevant field that you need to block (allowed columns will be indicated with a blue tick)

  5. Once you have selected the required field, click ‘Block’ to deny access to this field

    1. You can block multiple fields at a time if required

    2. The field you have selected will show at the bottom of the page to confirm the one you have selected

    3. A ‘Remove’ button will show if you need to delete any fields from the list before proceeding

  6. Ensure you click ‘Save Changes’ whenever you make any adjustments, or this will not be updated

  7. A success message will appear confirming your changes have been saved

How do I grant users access to blocked fields?

Users must be granted access to blocked fields via a permission group:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Admin’ module and select ‘Groups’

  2. Click the green ‘Data Permissions’ button alongside the relevant group

  3. Select a source from the dropdown menu

  4. Navigate through the database tables and columns to find the relevant field that you need to grant access to for that group

  5. Click ‘Allow’

  6. Ensure you click ‘Save Changes’ whenever you make any adjustments, or this will not be updated

  7. A success message will appear confirming your changes have been saved

Members who are assigned to that permission group will then be able to view any Reports that include this data field (providing no other blocked columns are included within that report).

You can create a new permission group solely to manage the access to blocked data fields if needed.

How can I unblock a data field to make it available for all users?

You can easily allow a data field at any time after blocking:

  1. Follow the same steps as above for blocking data fields

  2. Find the relevant field you wish to allow (blocked columns will be indicated with a red cross)

  3. Click ‘Allow’ to make the data field available to all users

What will happen if a user tries to view a report that contains a blocked field that they do not have access to?

If a user tries to access a report that contains a blocked field that they have not been granted access to, an error will appear confirming that they do not have the relevant permissions to access the data held within the report.

What will happen if a user is creating a report and adds a blocked field that they do not have access to?

Users will be able to add any data fields to their reports regardless of whether the field is blocked for their user account.

If a user adds a data field to their report that they do not have permission to view, when they submit the report a message will appear confirming that this has been created but that they are unable to view the final report as they do not have the relevant permissions to access data held within the report.

Updated on 2nd September 2024