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Staff Guidance

How do I ensure Reps can view and ‘manage’ the correct Reps within their area?

When creating your Rep Roles within the ‘Representation’ module, you will need to set that Role’s ‘Visible Rep Roles’ and ‘Manageable Rep Roles’.

  1. Visible’ – these will be shown on the relevant Rep’s dashboard to view their details.
  2. Manageable’ – these roles be made visible to the relevant Rep, and the Rep will also be able to send Communications to those roles.

More information regarding the creation of Rep Roles and their customisation can be found within our ‘Representation’ module guides here.

How can I enable Reps to be able to contact all members within their course?

When creating your Rep Roles, you will also be able to edit their ‘Rep Permissions’ to adjust which areas of the Rep Dashboard they will have access to.

Within here, you can also select you wish for these Rep Roles to be able to send communications to`;

  • All members within their course (Communications – Contact Course)

  • All members within their course relevant to their year of study (Communications – Contact Course (Year of Study))

Selecting either of these permissions will make a new communication group available to Reps within this role. Please note: If required, please ensure only one of the above options is selected per Rep Role. If both are selected, the communication group will default to contacting all students within the course.

Will Reps be notified when they have been given access to the Rep Dashboard?

Reps will be notified via email (their organisational email) when they have been added as a Rep on the system, and therefore have access to the Rep Dashboard.

They will also be notified should they no longer have access to the dashboard, if their term has ended or they have been removed as a Rep on the system.

Certain Roles will also be notified should an additional Rep that is either ‘Visible’ or ‘Manageable’ on their dashboard have been added to the system.

How can Union staff view Meeting Feedback that has been submitted by a Rep?

  1. Under 'Representation'’ click 'Meeting Feedback'
  2. You will be able to see a list of all feedback submitted by Reps, including the title and who it has been submitted by
  3. Click 'View Feedback' to show all of the details submitted by the Rep, and download any files that were uploaded

How do I upload a profile photo for a Rep to show on the dashboard?

  1. Within the ‘Members’ module, select ‘Search Membership
  2. Search for the relevant member using the filters at the top of the page
  3. Click ‘View Profile
  4. Under the ‘Personal Details’ area, there is a ‘Rep Photo’ section
  5. Click ‘Upload’ to select a photo
  6. You can ‘View’ any photo that you have uploaded here
  7. You can also ‘Remove’ an uploaded photo at any time, which will then remove it from the dashboard

Updated on 13th December 2024