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Advanced Bookings


If the user already knows which room they would like to book, they are able to select it directly and then insert the date, times and other information.

Booking a room directly

  1. Select a Room - Click the dropdown and select the room that you would like to book.
  2. Start Date - Insert the start date and time of the booking, using the date and time picker.
  3. End Date - Insert the end date and time of the booking.
  4. How many attendees? - Enter the total number of attendees for the booking.
  5. Description - Provide a brief description of the booking, such as the reason for booking or details about it.
  6. Will there be an External Speaker attending? - Tick the box if there is an External Speaker scheduled to attend the booking.
  7. External Speaker Information - Here, the user can input details about the External Speaker.
  8. Recurrences – If the room has been set up to allow recurring events, the user will be able to select how often they would like your booking to recur, if at all. They can select how many times they would like your booking to recur, and whether this is weekly or monthly. Note: if the user attempts to create a recurring booking that exceeds the amount of recurrences set when creating the room, they will receive an error message.
  9. When the user has finished selecting the requirements, click Book to submit the request.

If the booking was successful, it will appear under Your Bookings.

Cancelling a Booking

  • Navigate to the ‘Your Bookings’ tab within the Room Bookings section of your Account.
  • Next to the Booking you wish to cancel, under the ‘Actions’ tab, click ‘Cancel’.
  • Your Booking will now disappear from Your Account.

Updated on the 8th June 2020